Bags bags and the general distinction between what he, how to buy ...

bags bags and the general distinction between what he, how to buy

bags, generally refers to all that can carry everything loaded into, and behind back up the kind of bags. This package is suitable for outdoor tourism, mountain climbing can make a walking stick in hand, or other items.
bags in general, if you choose the field of tourism, the function of bags and bags on the function of many poor. First, the capacity of small; Second, the mobile is not conducive to climbing; three, with a bag晃来晃去nor safety.
As to how to buy? This is in accordance with the purpose of your choice:
First, outbound tourism, it is best to buy the kind of box-type, with the bag handle. Handle in the ground to walk out, take the provincial拽着Jin;
Second, domestic tourism, it is best to buy the kind of rain produced cloth bags to prevent rain snow, wet pack valuables inside.
three surrounding tourism, it is best to carry bags or plastic bags, placed inside the beverage, food can be.

see what you are and where the nature of travel, and personal leisure travel a short, soft backpack lightweight convenience; 10 days and a half months of travel abroad, to a rigid rod of luggage to facilitate good things … go to shopping malls to promote line bags around the floor or counter it, uses many colors and styles, the quality of good than the general store, there are after-sales maintenance services, in general a few hundred dollars, can also be used on a few years. Shape of the bag you say it is suitable for students and explorers, the Light.2008-02-19



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