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告诉你,美国奶牛协会的广告打了很多:牛奶,是最完整的食物。对吗?右边!非常正确,但他忘了告诉你们,填补??在牛的条件。特别是现在,牛奶含有大量的蛋白质,蛋白质在体内的新陈代谢会产生大量的酸性物质时,那酸时产生的宪法将Piansuan,身体一Piansuan你会很容易生病,所以我们的身体自然有一个函数,从骨头,从碱性物质在体内溶解平衡酸度,这样您就不会那么快生病,有悔改的机会,改变你的生活方式。所以,女士们,先生们,我们的身体里面什么物质碱性特别高,是啊?是钙。因此,喝牛奶,身体越酸,钙储存在骨骼里面,所以骨头内的钙溶解在牛奶中酸性物质越多,导致了更多的酸,钙,更大的损失,更多的钙流失,你越觉得不够,Zaiqu牛奶钙,牛奶越多,钙的流失。你为什么没有足够的钙补?因为你开除了糖果较大的缺陷,牛奶的方法,即大量的蛋白质,这些蛋白质产生大量的酸性物质,使我们作为一个整体严重Piansuan身体,你永远不够蛋白质。根据英国布里斯托尔大学的一项研究,在1972年的调查?在1974年间出生的婴儿,做随访研究,这些婴儿现在都超过20岁,发现配方奶喂养的婴儿在成年后他们有两个高,一个是身高很高,一个是高血压。以中国大陆,更封闭的地方,妇女,钙的摄入量,平均每天只有400? 500毫克的800,? 1000毫克还有一段距离,但他们没有骨质疏松症。你知道为什么?因为他们没有喝牛奶呀。在妇女哺乳期,怀孕期间所需要的钙质更高,对不对?非洲有个地方叫在该国的国家地图,妇女一生平均水平,因此,如果你想要10个孩子,母乳至少10个月内喂养,但他们平均只有400毫克的钙的摄入量,也没有一个人骨质疏松症。你知道为什么?因为他们没有喝牛奶呀。因此,结论:不想要得到骨质疏松症?请喝牛奶。你说不对,有许多牛奶中的钙,已被巴氏xx奶,所以它里面的钙是无机钙,无机钙,这种物质肾结石很重要的原因。我在乳腺癌患者的临床检测时在几乎所有的骨质疏松症,他们没有骨质疏松症,乳腺癌,他们几乎每个人喝了牛奶。请允许我说一点牛奶,因为它是一个大问题,如果你继续喝牛奶,继续,因为它已被巴氏xx的钙,身体不容易吸收,是无机钙,那么你就喝牛奶,更多的物理越酸,体能更酸,钙就越流失,所以你就永远不会鼓起足够的钙。一个是甜的,一种蛋白质,这两项是当你的身体钙的流失,所以你不足够的钙,你并不需要补充更多的钙,你需要较少的蛋白质。到什么程度? 0.6乘以重量,也就是{yt},你需要几克。公斤体重的基础上号码,然后它不是为了计算的负担,例如,重60公斤,您需要为36克。但是你知道吗?你刚才去喝一杯牛奶,吃一个鸡蛋,你很快就会结束,吃一些肉。 。 。 。那么,为何越鸡蛋,肉类和奶制品的多。 。 。 。乳制品,包括牛奶,酸奶,你现在你知道为什么很多的酸奶,没有上升,因为有大量的xxx酸奶里面,奶牛,有xxx





Have to look at, especially at home with children

 I will now talk about the things that you eat every day, and a very terrible thing, that is red meat. Meat, especially red meat, in medicine have confirmed that consumption of red meat in the world’s largest region, is the highest percentage of cancer area. What do red meat? Red meat is lamb, beef, pork. I have worked in the mainland medical schools, ask several members of the medical school dean, as well as several medical experts, I said please tell me, before in difficult times, when the intake of meat and very little, especially in time of rationing , at that time have colorectal cancer? They argue that he did listen to were not heard. Of colorectal cancer are always likes to eat high-calorie, high fat, high protein, zero fiber, then “Congratulations” you, very easy to get colon cancer. Colorectal cancer was very painful, death is torture you before, so try not to eat red meat. If you are the non-eating is not, you eat white meat, white meat is better than red meat. I thought, we have recently found in clinical, very strange, why children, 89-year-old year-old children, little girls breast developing rapidly, so small boys do, small cocks grow up. You do not believe that you go back and look at your son’s penis, but he will not let read reluctantly, he will angry. Why is there such a phenomenon? Was found in their possession, a large number of female hormones come from do you know? They have a common eating habits, like eating chicken, especially fried chicken. Before a chicken to raise nine months to one year, we do not, the U.S. has taught the world’s fastest-growing technology, and three weeks, it will raise to the previous nine months, so much. Why? Because injections Na, born slap antibiotics, it is not sick ah, steroid hormones play and let it grow long detained. However, more stylus printer, chicken appetite is not good, it does not eat ah, it would grow up, no Yeah, it would be an injection, called appetizer agent, then the chicken will eat a lot, grow very quickly. The problem is more played stylus printer chickens suffering from mental disorder, so the chicken is making unwarranted Luanyao and feathers flying everywhere Yeah, this is not OK, that’s not the whole chicken coop into a cockpit of the do, it re-injection that tranquilizers. So you have no sense, and now the chickens are simple-minded way, really, I sometimes go to look at the chicken farm, I call it looking at me, I looked at it, really, and now chicken Haoben why ? Because stylus printer too much. I have one lecture in one place, finished later, there is an elder, he has diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, he said that some diseases are won, and now only does not have cancer, he said I had raised hundreds of thousands of chickens in the past, that is, as you speak of such an injection, it needs to do injections, and I said, Really, have a conscience and ah, he said no, is too late to fight, too much, so now all mixed in the feed to them where to eat, and It’s terrible. Egg cholesterol content of all foods highest in cholesterol levels. I see a lot of specious concept, very terrible, before the U.S. Egg Products Association, to encourage everyone to eat an egg a day, and later speech Heart Association, and eating an egg a day is the last heart attack, so my two months in the United States see that changed, they did a good big signs, the highway side: to eat four eggs a week can also be啦. In fact, three had cause cholesterol problems, and I tell you In fact, the egg is not just cholesterol, but more serious is the current chicken, maternal problems. The chicken itself is a problem, since eating the chicken feed, used to have 23 talented student to an egg, and now lay eggs every day. Non-eat chicken if you can not, please raise your own good, it is a day to eat insects, and every day the earth-Benz happy mood, so that the chicken we go. However, do not eat too much. In fact, chicken is very risky, especially outside the fast food restaurant you buy these chickens, and why he likes to deep-fried, as it has been broken, stink out, corruption out, you have absolutely not come out to eat, but also feel good incense Oh, terrible.
tell you the U.S. Dairy Association ads playing a lot: milk, is the most complete food. Right? Right! Quite correct, but he forgot to tell you that after filling?? In terms of cattle. Especially now that milk contains large amounts of protein, protein metabolism in the body will produce a large number of acid when the substance, and that acid produced when the constitution will be Piansuan, physical one Piansuan you will easily become ill, so we are the body’s natural there is a function, from the bones, from the dissolution of alkaline substances inside the body to balance the acidity, so you do not fall sick so quickly, there is the opportunity to repent, change your way of life. So Ladies and gentlemen, what is inside our bodies alkaline substances are particularly high ah? Is the calcium. So you drink more milk, the more physical acid, calcium is stored in the bones inside, so the dissolution of calcium inside the bone the more milk, resulting in the more acidic substances, the more acid, calcium, the greater the loss, The more calcium loss, the more you think enough, Zaiqu milk calcium, the more milk the more the loss of calcium. Why do you never make up enough calcium? Because you opened a larger flaw, in addition to sweets, the means of milk, that is, a large number of proteins, these proteins produce large amounts of acidic substances, so that our body as a whole serious Piansuan, you’re never enough protein. According to the British University of Bristol study, their investigation in 1972? In 1974 babies born between, do follow-up study, these babies are now all more than 20 years old and found that formula-fed infants in adult life They have two high, one is tall and very high, one is high blood pressure. To China’s mainland, more enclosed areas, women, intake of calcium, with an average day, only 400? 500 mg, from 800? 1000 mg is still some distance, but they do not have osteoporosis. Do you know why? Because they did not drink milk呀. In the women’s breast-feeding period, the calcium needed during pregnancy higher, right? Africa there was a place called the state map in this country, women’s lifetime average, so if you want 10 children, breast-feeding for at least ten months more, but they averaged only 400 milligrams of calcium intake, and no one had osteoporosis. Do you know why? Because they did not drink milk呀. So, conclusion: do want to get osteoporosis? Please drink milk. You say wrong, there are many milk calcium, milk has been pasteurized, so it is inside of calcium are inorganic calcium, inorganic calcium and this very important cause of kidney stone material. I am in the clinical detection of breast cancer patients in almost all osteoporosis, they have not got osteoporosis, breast cancer, they are almost everyone drank a lot of milk. Allow me to say a little more milk, because it is a big problem, if you continue to drink milk, go on, as it has been pasteurized calcium, the body is not easy to absorb, are inorganic calcium, then you have to drink milk, the more physical The more acid, physical fitness more acid, the greater the loss of calcium, so you will never fill enough calcium. One is sweet, one protein, these two are so your body where the loss of calcium, so you are not enough calcium, you do not need to supplement more calcium, you need less protein. To what degree? Weight multiplied by 0.6, that is, the day you need a few grams. Kg body weight based on the number, then it is not in order to calculate the burden, for example, weighs 60 kg, you need is 36 grams a day. But you know what? You just go to drink a glass of milk, eat an egg, you will soon be over, eat some meat. . . . So, why do the more eggs, meat and more dairy products more. . . . Dairy products including milk, yogurt, you now you know why a lot of yogurt, not rise, because yogurt inside with large doses of antibiotics, dairy cows, there are antibiotics

as you say , let’s should still eat eat? or the neck, tied?

now this situation, do not eat have to eat.

do not have the means.

Now vegetables are not OK, throwing a bunch of pesticides, growth hormone is also a lot of health care products market is to take up such a vibrant bar. does that mean we do not eat it? Gejia kinds of vegetables there may be a little, pigs can not to make you want to eat on the cutting one down Pan raises ah!05-11-20

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