
引言:阀门是用以控制流体流量、压力和流向的装置,目前我国已能够研制生产大部分的阀门,但是阀门是利润率低的产品,市场竞争非常激烈。从市场上看,我国具有一定规模的阀门企业有2000余家,大多数分布在江浙及中原一带。从技术上说虽然我国阀门起步较晚,但通过引进国外同类产品的设计、工艺等先进技术和加工设备,现在已经基本达到国外80年代的水平。 我国化工阀门市场现状 我国化工阀门市场又分新建、扩建项目市场;老装置维修、改造项目市场。从这两块市场来看,普通阀门产品供大于求,其次,企业之间竟相压仰,无序竞争,假冒伪劣……,市场很不规范,导致某些阀门生产企业在惨烈的竞争中,连年大幅度亏损。从这两块市场的需求来看,随着市场经济的发展和完善,特别是进步世界贸易组织(WTO),其市场变化越来越大,企业受市场的影响越来越深,用户对市场产品的需求越来越高,对产品开发、生产周期的需求越来越短。 目前,国内阀门生产骨干企业已能按ISO国际标准、DIN德国标准、AWWA美国标准等国际标准设计制造各种阀门,部分厂家的产品达到了国际先进水平。虽然过年阀门行业的整体水平有了较大的提高,但质量上还不够稳定,如跑、冒、滴、漏现象在国产阀门中经常出现。另外,我国阀门的配套能力也与发达国家相比尚存在一定的差距。其中: 炼油装置用阀门,炼油装置需用的阀门大多是管道阀门,主要为闸阀、截止阀、止回阀、安全阀、球阀、蝶阀、疏水阀、其中,闸阀需量占阀门总数的80%左右,(阀门占装置总投资的3%~5%)。   化纤装置用阀门,化纤产品主要有涤纶、晴纶、维纶三大类。其需用的阀门的球阀、夹套阀(夹套球阀、夹套闸阀、夹套截止阀)。   丙烯晴装置用阀门,该装置一般需用API标准生产的阀门,主要为闸阀、截止阀、止回阀、球阀、疏水阀、针型阀、旋塞阀、其中,闸阀占阀门总量的75%左右。   合成氨装置用阀门,由于合成氨原和净化方法不同,其工艺流程不同,所需阀门的技术性能也不同。目前,国内合成氨装置主要需用闸阀、截止阀、止回阀、疏水阀、蝶阀、球阀、隔膜阀、调节阀、针型阀、安全阀、高温低温阀。其中,截止阀占装置用阀总数据的53.4%,闸阀占25.1%,疏水阀占7.7%,安全阀占2.4%,调节阀和离低温阀及其它占11.4%.   乙烯装置用阀门,乙烯装置是石油化工的龙头装置,其需用阀门种类繁多。闸阀、截止阀、止回阀、升降杆式球阀占大多数,其中闸阀需居首。“十五”规划,全国还需建年产66万吨的乙烯装置6套,其阀门需求量可观。另外,大型乙烯和高压聚乙烯装置还需用超高温,越低温及超高压阀门系列产品。   空分装置用阀门,“空分”即空气分离,该装置主要需用截止阀、安全阀、止回阀、调节阀、球阀、蝶阀、低温阀。   聚丙烯装置用阀门,聚丙烯易是以丙烯为原料,经聚合而成的高分子化合物,该装置主要需用闸阀、截止阀、止回阀、针型阀、球阀、疏水阀。   阀门市场未来展望   阀门的{zd0}用户是石化行业、电力部门、冶金部门、化工行业和城市建设部门。石化行业主要采用API标准的闸阀、截止阀和止回阀;电力部门主要采用电站用高温压闸阀、截止阀、止回阀和安全阀及一部分给排水阀的低压蝶阀、闸阀;化工行业主要采用不锈钢闸阀、截止阀、止回阀;冶金行业主要采用低压大口径蝶阀、氧气截止阀和氧气球阀;城市建设部门主要采用低压阀,如城市自来水管道主要采用的大口径闸阀,楼寓建设主要采用的中线蝶阀,城市供热主要采用的金属密封蝶阀等;输油管线主要采用平板闸阀和球阀;制药行业主要采用不锈钢球阀;食品行业主要采用不锈钢球阀等。 由于用户需求的变化,阀门产品的市场走向也将发生相应的变化,在今后一段时间主要发展趋势如下:   1.随着石油开发向内地油田和海上油田的转移,以及电力工业由30万千瓦以下的火电向30万千瓦以上的火电及水电和核电发展,阀门产品也应依据设备应用领域变化相应改变其性能及参数;   2.城建系统一般采用大量低压阀门,并且向环保型和节能型发展,即由过去使用的低压铁制闸阀逐步转向环保型的胶板阀、平衡阀、金属密封蝶阀及中线密封蝶阀过渡,输油、输气工程向管道化方向发展,这又需要大量的平板闸阀及球阀;   3.能源发展的另一面就是节能,所以从节约能源方面看,要发展蒸汽疏水阀,并向亚临界和超临界的高参数发展;   4.电站的建设向大型化发展,所以需用大口径及高压的安全阀和减压阀,同时也需用快速启闭阀门;   5.针对成套工程的需要,阀门供应由单一品种向多品种和多规格发展。一个工程项目所需的阀门,由一家阀门生产厂家全部提供的趋势越来越大。 编者按:随着化工工艺的进步和发展,对化工装备提出了更高要求。必须加大装备的开发力度,掌握装备的核心技术,形成一批具有自主知识产权的装备。现在,阀门行业面临诸如质量以及技术方面的问题,怎样才能提高自身素质、保持长期的竞争力?这是大家一直都在思考想要解决的问题。其实这些在本质上是相一致的。阀门行业必须在技术设计和创新上做文章的同时,狠抓自身的质量,并瞄准潜在的市场,从而把自己做大做强,那么一切问题自然都迎刃而解了。  

“ Highly competitive low-margin road must be taken of China's valve industry ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国球阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Introduction: The valve is used to control fluid flow, pressure and flow devices, present, China has been able to develop and produce most of the valves, but the valve is a low margin product, market competition is fierce. From a market point of view, China has a certain amount of valve more than 2,000 enterprises, most are located in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and the Central Plains area. Said that while the valve is technically a late start in China, but through the introduction of similar foreign products, design, technology and other advanced technology and processing equipment, and now has basically reached the level of foreign 80s. Market Situation of China Chemical Industry Valve China's chemical valve market is divided into new, expanded the project the market; old equipment maintenance, reconstruction project market. From two market point of view, common valve product oversupply, and secondly, between enterprises race to pressure Yang and disorderly competition, fake ... ..., the market is very standardized, resulting in some of the valve manufacturing enterprises in the fierce The competition, a significant loss year after year. Market demand from two terms, with the development of market economy and improvement of, in particular the progress of the World Trade Organization (WTO), its changes in the market increases, businesses deeply affected by the increasing influence of the market, the user on the market increasing demand for the product, to product development, increasing demand for shorter production cycle. At present, the domestic backbone enterprises have been able to produce valves according to ISO international standards, DIN German Standard, AWWA standards of the United States and other international standards for design and manufacture of a variety of valves, some manufacturers of the products has reached international advanced level. Although the overall level of Chinese New Year valve industry have been greatly improved, but the quality still is not stable enough, such as running, to run, dripping, and leaking valves in the domestic phenomenon occurred frequently. In addition, our ability to complete the valve as compared with the developed countries remaining in a certain gap. Of which: Oil refining devices valves, valve oil refining installations need to use most of pipeline valves, mainly valve, globe valve, check valve, safety valve, ball valve, butterfly valve, trap, in which valve need to account for about 80% of the total number of valves, (the valve unit of the total investment accounted for 3% ~ 5%). Fiber devices valves, chemical fiber products are polyester, acrylic, PVA three categories. The need to use the ball valve, jacket valve (jacketed ball valve, jacketed valve, jacketed valve). Acrylonitrile valve devices, the device generally need to use API standard production of valves, mainly valve, globe valve, check valve, ball valve, steam traps, needle valves, plug valves, which accounted for valve gate valve about 75% of the total door. Ammonia plant with the valve, due to the original ammonia and purification methods, the process is different from the required technical performance of the valve are also different. At present, the domestic ammonia plant need to use the main gate valve, globe valve, check valve, trap, butterfly valve, ball valve, diaphragm valves, regulating valves, needle valve, safety valve, high temperature and low temperature valves. Among them, cut-off valve valve devices accounted for 53.4% of the total data, gate valve, at 25.1%, trap 7.7%, 2.4% safety valve, regulating valve and away from the low-temperature valves, and other 11.4%. Ethylene plant with valves, petrochemical ethylene plant is the leading device, its need to use a wide range of valves. Gate valve, globe valve, check valve, lift rod ball the majority of them need to Jushou valve. "Tenth Five-Year Plan", the country needs to build an annual output of 660,000 tons of ethylene unit 6 sets of considerable demand for its valves. In addition, large-scale ethylene and high-pressure polyethylene plant needs to use ultra-high temperature, the more low temperature and high pressure valve product line. Valve air separation devices, "empty hours" that is, air separation, the device mainly need to use cut-off valve, safety valve, check valve, regulating valve, ball valve, butterfly valve, cryogenic valves. Polypropylene unit with valves, polypropylene is easy to propylene as raw materials, through polymerization of polymers, the device need to use the main gate valve, globe valve, check valve, needle valve, ball valve, trap. Valve market Future The largest user of the valve is the petrochemical industry, power sector, metallurgy sector, the chemical industry and urban construction departments. The petrochemical industry mainly uses API standard gate valve, globe valve and check valves; electricity sector, mainly in power stations using high-temperature pressure valve, globe valve, check valve and safety valve, and part of the low-pressure water supply and drainage valve butterfly valve, gate valve; the chemical industry mainly uses stainless steel valve, globe valve, check valve; metallurgical industry mainly uses low-voltage large-diameter butterfly valve, oxygen valve and oxygen valves; urban construction department used mainly low-pressure valve, such as urban water mainly in the large-diameter pipeline valve, the main floor, blending the building used by the center line butterfly valve, urban heating mainly in the metal sealing butterfly valve and so on; oil pipeline used mainly flat valve and ball valve; the pharmaceutical industry mainly uses stainless steel ball valve; the food industry mainly uses stainless steel ball valve and so on. As user needs change, valve products in the market direction will also be corresponding changes in the next major trends over time are as follows: 1. With the development of oil fields and offshore oil fields to the mainland the transfer, as well as the power industry from 30 kw of thermal power to 30 million kw of thermal power and hydropower and nuclear power development, and valve products should be based on changes in corresponding changes in the field of device applications its performance and parameters; 2. Urban systems generally use a large number of low-pressure valves, and to the development of environment-friendly and energy-saving, that is used in the past low-voltage iron gate valve and gradually turn to environment-friendly plastic sheet valve, balance valve, metal sealed butterfly valve and the center line seal butterfly valve transition, oil, gas pipeline projects to develop in the direction, which in turn requires a lot of flat gate valve and ball valve; 3. Energy development on the other side is the energy-saving, so from the energy conservation perspective, to develop the steam trap to the sub-critical and supercritical high-parameter development; 4. Power plant construction to large-scale development, and therefore need to use large-diameter and high pressure safety valve and pressure reducing valve, but also need to use rapid open and close the valve; 5. Against the need to complete the project, valves supplied by a single species to a multi-species and multi-standard development. Valves required for a project, from a valve manufacturer to provide all of the trend is growing. Editor's note: With the chemical process of progress and development, chemical equipment and set higher requirements. Must increase efforts to develop equipment to grasp core technology and equipment to form a group of equipment with independent intellectual property rights. Now, the valve industry is facing, such as quality and technical aspects of how to improve their own quality, long-term competitiveness? This is everyone has been thinking about trying to solve problems. In fact, these are essentially consistent. Valve industry must design and innovation in technology make a fuss about the same time, pay close attention to their quality, and targeting the potential market, thus bringing himself bigger and stronger, then all the problems that naturally solved.

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