I would like to semi-self-help tourism, travel agencies stay out ...

half I would like to help tourism, travel agencies stay out tickets, the other their own, cost-effective it? ?

that your tour is called self-help travel. Let
help you book travel tickets, accommodation, after you go to a destination can be assured to play. In this way, the scores from the economy, certainly not playing with the mission to save money, but you are free to choose such attractions, sightseeing on their own time to master, this form of tourism is the future, most people approach, she strong vitality, the future will be developed by leaps and bounds.
remind you:
one, do not forget that before the purchase of a travel accident insurance;
II return, you can stay ahead of time to find hotels, travel agents or tourist destination to help you book a return ticket, or tickets .

can, but certainly self-help travel agencies have been expensive than the main tourist areas in your transport and catering on. Enjoy more freedom but more fun.

Lijiang is China’s famous tourist and local is the largest number of ethnic minorities, so sites ethnic customs and extremely rich, and TV film, such as mining frequent King film Lijiang can see out To play is the feeling. To Old Town of Lijiang I have two recommendations, one is not with the group is not to live in a hotel, because you are to travel rather than the rest, you are to experience the Naxi characteristics, rather than a Shanghai hotel.

around major scenic spots in Lijiang have been referred to the Yulong Snow Mountain glacier park, free beautiful original Luguhu, wetlands and migratory birds Lashihai cluster, through the primeval forests of the Tea-Horse Road, the open grasslands of the Shangri-La, not to conquer the Mountain Meili Snow Mountain, the 1000 Danxia Kameyama, rich in vegetation ecology Laojunshan, Three Parallel Rivers of the Tiger Leaping Gorge, a huge stone for generations living in the stone village and so on. Lijiang
performances mainly Lishui Jinsha and Naxi ancient music, songs, dance songs played mainly, by the auspicious Dongba, Naxi net, Naxi songs and so on wine. recommendations
what not to participate in Lijiang Lijiang X on tour, it would be like to drive the ducks, that are not fun to play, even if you play the first time in Lijiang, too as long as the trust to find the owner of the inn play recommendations to provide adequate not only save money and fun. Need to be reminded that, please take a tolerant attitude to understand the lives of local facilities is relatively simple, respect for minority folk habits. Although the natural beauty surrounding Lijiang relatively attractive, but are still subject to travel to play the changes in the weather as well as the impact of such factors as personal preferences, please some of moderately mentally prepared to do a good job better. domestic

of the ancient city of Lijiang is the most unique, and classical and a perfect integration of style here, which is一米阳光the city, which is net of the ancient city of Varanasi, the ancient city of the construction experience of the baptism of countless dynasties, vicissitudes, it combined characteristics of the various ethnic groups and famous. Yunnan is also the largest minority, the Naxi, Han, Bai, Lisu, Pumi, Yi, Tibetan, Miao and other ethnic groups, I am most like Bai’s MM, beautiful, even the desire is to find a wife Bai do the MM, and Morocco Soe family is in our country has not yet formally established a nation living in the Mosuo people Luguhu bank has retained a “non-married men, married women do not” take the marriage customs of matrilineal. This is also the capital of the ancient city of Lijiang艳遇. December 1997, declared World Heritage Old Town of Lijiang success, to fill in the world cultural heritage of China’s historical and cultural cities no gaps.

———————————————— Lijiang —————————————
more suitable for this season to Meili Snow Mountain, La City, sea, Luguhu good.

drink can search Lijiang [sunflower Baodian Lijiang], Lijiang Tours Raiders can search [Lijiang Tourism quiz]

recommended accommodation if [Naxi net inn] is what I encountered in a dual Inn, a very feeling, a popular name from the ancient city of the Naxi Naxi language songs — net.

recommend eating 51 Street, then the [破天Jianghu food restaurant], especially his family Spicy chicken wings, fish-flavored eggplant, tofu iron, Spicy chicken well, there are braised pig is a good ah入味. There is also a破天food next to the name of the No. 8 jewelry stores, the price cheaper than that sold out a lot of benefits. Lijiang
are well-known songs, playing hop songs, by the auspicious Dongba, Naxi net, Naxi songs and so on wine.
———————- —————
seduce posted a few songs about landlord.


auspicious by the Dongba

References: http://www.lijiangcn.comRaiders Lijiang Tours2008-02-15













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