

2010-02-24 11:54:50 阅读6 评论0 字号:




Teardrop Park, New York, NY
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc., New York, NY : Cambridge, MA
client: The Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority



在巴掌大的一块地上实现如此多并行不悖的功能,非一般人所能为,但将场地限制变成创造性地解决问题的机会、为场地注入诗意正是MVVA(有译作迈克尔··瓦肯伯格景观设计事务所的)的一贯追求。本届MVVA还有一个项目获奖:获得分析与规划类荣誉奖的布鲁克林大桥公园(Brooklyn Bridge Park),08年则有三个项目获奖,分别是获得综合设计类荣誉奖的波士顿儿童博物馆广场、获得住区设计类荣誉奖的通往湖滨的林中步道Passage to the Lake, Stoneham, Maine)和获得分析与规划类荣誉奖的多伦多陆地河口港(Port Lands Estuary)。


草坪南侧是半月形叠石矮墙环抱中的阅读角(reading circle),基地西侧两建筑间的社区道路构成了此处通向哈德逊河的视觉廊道。阅读角兼具坐憩功能的散置石、半月形矮墙以及隔路相对的名为冰与水的高墙均采用蓝灰砂岩(blue stone),由此取得了材质上的统一,同时也是被社区道路分割的南北两区的一种呼应。草坪西侧为湿地,面积不大,不过照片显示它草木葱茏、充满野趣,小径的尺度也是针对儿童设计,并且以粗木桩代替通常的铺地,总之,是个不仅适合孩子探索发现、也适合小动物栖息繁衍的好地方。为维持一定湿度,湿地周边的坡度和朝向是经过精心设计的,以确保充分利用径流,湿地的土壤也是经过人工调配的。




Honor Award
Teardrop Park, New York, NY

Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc., New York, NY : Cambridge, MA
client: The Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority

"A true urban oasis. The landscape architect has made a very bold gesture on an almost impossible site. It offers intimacy, which is tough for a public park, and takes your mind away from the city and surrounding buildings. It works for all ages."
— 2009 Professional Awards Jury

Project Statement:
Teardrop Park transcends its small size, shady environment, and mid-block urban location through a meandering design formed with complex irregular spaces, robust plantings, strong materials and bold topography that creates places for prospect and refuge. Designed primarily as a landscape for children, the park's spatial structure and reinterpretation of natural form makes a place for exploration and movement.

Project Narrative:
Project Location, Scope and Size
Teardrop Park is a 1.8 acre public park located in Battery Park City, a mixed-use neighborhood on the southwestern side of lower Manhattan. The landscape architects were the prime consultant, responsible for organizing the project team and overseeing design from initial concept through construction administration. The park's design and construction was coordinated by the landscape architects with that of the four surrounding apartment buildings, creating opportunities to fine-tune architectural massing as a means of improving site environments. In addition to engineers and lighting consultants, contributing subconsultants included child development specialists, soils engineers, and a fountain designer.

Physical Context
The flat, featureless plot of land that was the pre-existing site was created in the 1980s by filling in a portion of the Hudson River shoreline. This resulted in a high water table and potential for lateral infiltration of river waters that limited the potential depth of site program. Solar analysis indicated that the residential towers that were to define the corners of the park, each ranging from 210 feet to 235 feet in height, would create tremendous shade.

Wind studies indicated that the east/west corridors through the park would experience strong, cold, and desiccating winds off the Hudson River while the areas between the buildings would be more protected.

The combined constraints of water, sun, and wind affected how park program was positioned as well as the kinds of plant and ecological communities that could be created. For instance, recognizing that the northern half of the site would have the longest hours of sunlight on any given day, the designers made this the location for the Lawn Bowl (which was tilted southward to better absorb the available light). Play areas for small children, like a sand box, Slide Hill, and Water Play rocks, were placed in the shaded and wind-protected areas.

Design Program
The client wanted a unique natural environment for play that would build on nearby recreational opportunities, contribute to the ongoing development of a family-friendly social identity for the neighborhood, and meet the client's own strict sustainability guidelines. Although children were imagined as the most important users, the park was to provide a landscape setting that appealed to multiple age groups represented in the neighborhood. The range of users includes students from a nearby high school, office workers, residents of the hundreds of surrounding apartments, and elderly residents of an adjacent assisted-care facility. Specific client program directives included sand and water play areas and a lawn that would be large enough for periodic events, but most importantly, would provide alternative and more passive forms of play in response to the huge traditional play equipment at nearby Rockefeller Park.

Design Intent
Experiencing natural environments is widely recognized as an important part of early childhood development, and yet most urban playgrounds have banished plants in favor of equipment. Teardrop Park is designed to address this gap, offering adventure and sanctuary to urban children while engaging their minds and bodies. Site topography, interactive water fountains, natural stone, and intimately-scaled plantings contribute to an exciting inner world of intricate textures, intense scale differences, and precisely choreographed views.

Specific features, like the Ice-Water Wall, the Marsh with its access path scaled to children, the steeply sloped planted areas, groves of trees, and the Water Play rocks, as well as the stone Reading Circle placed where there is also an outward view to the Hudson River, celebrate the expressive potential of the natural materials of landscape construction while reinventing the idea of nature play in the city.

Environmentally Sustainable Materials and Installation Methods
The client's design review panel was an active force in the early development of the design, offering key support as the landscape architects navigated through complex programmatic and technical decisions related to achieving ambitious sustainability goals and a generally innovative design strategy.

The park's "green" credentials are reflected in every aspect of its development, from material selection to contractor practices. Not only is the park layout and program a response to the microclimatic asymmetry created by the buildings; the varied fabricated soils were also meticulously calibrated to create optimum growing conditions.

Based on decades-long research into urban soils and non-toxic plant maintenance, environmental aspects of the park's design include fully organic manufactured soils and maintenance regimes that avoid pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. Treated and recycled gray water from the adjacent LEED Gold-rated Solaire Building and stormwater runoff from the site captured in an underground storage pipe supply all of the park's irrigation needs.

Throughout the park, including the 27-foot high, 168-foot long stacked blue stone Ice-Water Wall, stone selection was limited to those that could be quarried within 500 miles of the park site. The largely native plant palette creates excellent habitat for migrating birds and effectively jump-starts natural ecologies on a site that is composed of biologically inert fill from the original excavation of the World Trade Center. A calibrated approach to soils allowed the landscape architects to match carefully inventoried microclimates with several variations of the manufactured soil.


原贴地址:  译者:木荷凌霄


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