关于Fireworks 和Photoshop两者之间图片优化的比较_ 设计之道_设计源于 ...



Fireworks vs Photoshop Compression
Fireworks 与photoshop的图片优化能力比较

Surprisingly enough, based on the findings from my recent survey there are quite a bit of Fireworks users. Personally, I never used Fireworks. Photoshop is alway my first choice for designing—from image editing to designing mock-ups. But, did you know that Fireworks is way better than Photoshop in term of image compression? I’m not a software engineer, I can’t explain why Fireworks can compress better. But I can prove it to you by showing a series of experiments I did.

PNG Compression

For testing purpose, I used an un-compressed image with transparency. I used Photoshop to export the image to PNG-24 with transparency and the resulting file size is about 352 kb. Then I used the same image and exported it to PNG-32 with Fireworks. The file size is about 332 kb. Visually, they both look the same (at least to me). In term of file size, the image exported with Fireworks is about 20 kb less.

如下图效果:photoshop以png24格式输出,fireworks以png32输出,(不羁虫:个 人认为这2个格式在2个软件里输出格式名称不同,实际是相同的,我把ps导出的png24格式拖到fw里打开就是png32格式,而fw里还有一个 png24格式输出,个人感觉fw里的png24就是优化质量{bfb}的jpg)实际得出 fireworks得到的图片尺寸比photoshop要小20kb(不羁虫:应该说图片的 品质是一样的,我是没看出差别来)

GIF Compression

Next I exported the image to GIF 256 colors, adaptive, with no dither. The results are: Fireworks = 88kb, Photoshop = 92kb. That is 4 kb less. Also, they don’t look the same. I prefer the image exported with Fireworks because it has more image details.
如下面图所示,这次以gif256色导出图片,结果fireworks88kb,photoshop92kb,从尺寸上来看只相差4k而已,但是从导出的 图片细节来看,fireworks导出的图片细节更多,看上去效果更好

JPG Compression
以JPG 格式优化输出的比较

Now, I’m going to try the JPG compression with a different image. I exported the image with Photoshop to 60% quality JPG and the file size is 80 kb. Then I exported the same image with Fireworks to 80% quality JPG and the result is 72 kb. Both exported images look pretty much the same, but Fireworks beats Photoshop by 8 kb in this case.
如下图:{zh1}是以jpg格式输出的比较,在photoshop以品质60%导出,fireworks下以品质80%导出,(不羁虫:作者的体会和我一样,这2个软件导出品质不同,ps里的60%效果相当于fw里的80%),图片 看上去效果差不多,不过尺寸上还是fireworks胜出,fw72kb,ps80kb。

Please note: Fireworks and Photoshop have different compression technology. 80% compression rate in Fireworks is relevant to Photoshop 60% compression rate.

What Is The Big Deal?

You’re probably thinking: what is the big deal? It is only a few kilobytes… Well, don’t under estimate the little difference in kilobytes, it can make a big difference on your bandwidth and load time. Lets use the background image on WebDesignerWall as an example. If I export the background with Fireworks, I can reduce its file size by 20 kb. I get about 16,000 visits per day on average. 20 kb x 16, 000 = 320, 000 kb. Yes, that is 320 megabytes per day! I’m only talking about the background image here. Could you imagine how much bandwidth I can save if I compress all the graphics on the site with Fireworks? Most importantly, I can make my site load faster and that is a big deal!
这段想法是比较深远滴,我就半参着自己的想法讲了可能从优化上来讲,从上面的实验我们可以看到,一个图片优化下来想得到同样效果的图片,ps和fw虽然 只差3,5k(视图片尺寸和格式,尺寸越大的图片,这个差距应该是越大),但如果整站下来,你会发现,fw优化后得出的图片尺寸整体要比ps要小很多,而 从单个图片来看,如果一个图片能小20kb,而你的网站每天的访问量如果是1万6,那网站所要承担的流量差距是:20k*16000=320m,而从用户 体验上来讲,更快的下载将给浏览者带来更好更快的加载效果,更好的用户体验,这是个很大的问题!

If you have Photoshop and Fireworks installed on your computer, try it yourself. You will be surpised with the results. From now on, I’m going to use Fireworks to export my web graphics, particularly the template graphics.
不用说了,如果你还在使用ps优化网页图片的话,赶紧换用fireworks吧,ps不是{wn}的,用fw优 化图片的、将得到更好的效果,而且优化图片的方式你会发现fw的切片将会让你的优化操作更快更准确




  1. 无厘猫



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