Why is my own fresh soy milk is not at the supermarket to buy ...

Category:catering food

why I did not make their own fresh soy milk at the supermarket to buy the incense it?

the kind sold in supermarkets, which may add spices and other food additives preservatives.
self-made soy milk:
home-made soy milk, one environmental health guaranteed, and second, can be done now to do is drink milk to ensure freshness and nutrition. Make soy milk before, to bad beans, insect bites beans picked out of the beans after the full immersion wash. Beans soaking time is generally 6-16 hours, while the summer in between 6-10 hours, more appropriate. Beans soaking time is short, then a paste was not high, beans soaking time is too long, beans become rancid.

milk are generally done at home, use of automatic soybean milk machine, so the market should be chosen to allow the sale of regular products to nine automatic Soymilk yang in this category, for example, the entire process from pulping machines automatically, reducing human control, is not only safe, but also to ensure the health of the milk, 10 minutes to make two samgun automatically be cooked fresh milk.

fresh and cooked a good sense of soy milk should be thick and slightly cool the surface layer of the oil when the skin, there was a thick smell of beans, drink up and texture smoothness. Soy milk are high-protein food, high nutritional value, but it is also an excellent nutritional source of bacteria, especially the summer, milk is best to finish within 2 hours to make.

There are also two points need to be reminded, first, milk production and in full bloom in time of the utensils to washing, to prevent the breeding of bacteria. Second, health soymilk full boil before drinking in order to break down toxins and anti-trypsin soap and other negative elements on the human body. Before cooking with fire until after the switch to gentle heat to maintain boiling and boiled for 5 minutes or so. Soy milk in the cooking process would be a “pseudo-boiling” phenomenon, because a lot of milk foam, it appears seems to have to boil, but not actually, it should continue boiling down for some time, soy milk really cooked.

other milk sugar, it should first night after boiling sugar, this is not easy to produce precipitation.

the kind sold in supermarkets, which may add spice preservatives and other food additives.
self-made soy milk:
home-made soy milk, one environmental health guaranteed, and second, can be done now to do is drink milk to ensure freshness and nutrition. Make soy milk before, to bad beans, insect bites beans picked out of the beans after the full immersion wash. Beans soaking time is generally 6-16 hours, while the summer in between 6-10 hours, more appropriate. Beans soaking time is short, then a paste was not high, beans soaking time is too long, beans become rancid.

milk are generally done at home, use of automatic soybean milk machine, so the market should be chosen to allow the sale of regular products to nine automatic Soymilk yang in this category, for example, the entire process from pulping machines automatically, reducing human control, is not only safe, but also to ensure the health of the milk, 10 minutes to make two samgun automatically be cooked fresh milk.

fresh and cooked a good sense of soy milk should be thick and slightly cool the surface layer of the oil when the skin, there was a thick smell of beans, drink up and texture smoothness. Soy milk are high-protein food, high nutritional value, but it is also an excellent nutritional source of bacteria, especially the summer, milk is best to finish within 2 hours to make.

There are also two points need to be reminded, first, milk production and in full bloom in time of the utensils to washing, to prevent the breeding of bacteria. Second, health soymilk full boil before drinking in order to break down toxins and anti-trypsin soap and other negative elements on the human body. Before cooking with fire until after the switch to gentle heat to maintain boiling and boiled for 5 minutes or so. Soy milk in the cooking process would be a “pseudo-boiling” phenomenon, because a lot of milk foam, it appears seems to have to boil, but not actually, it should continue boiling down for some time, soy milk really cooked.

other milk sugar, it should first night after boiling sugar, this is not easy to produce precipitation.


类别: 餐饮食品












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