什么神奇的醋? « City life wiki 城市百科






What Magical vinegar?

What Magical vinegar?

the main component of vinegar is acetic acid, also contains a small amount of amino acids, organic acids, sugars, vitamin B1, B2 and so on. Vinegar and a variety of functions: It can sterilization solution fishy. In the immersion time plus a small amount of raw fish marinated in vinegar to prevent spoilage. In dealing with raw fish, oysters, crab, when made with vinegar sauce, 10 minutes to achieve solution fishy sterilization purposes.
vinegar can dissolve nutrients, such as salts of calcium, iron, etc., but also to protect the vitamin C in vegetables, reduce the heat damage. In the cooking sweet and sour ribs, boiled bone soup, river carp, sweet and sour mustard, hot and sour cabbage with sweet and sour seasoning, etc., both the unique sweet sour, but also make calcium, iron and integrated into the soup, the soup, When eating meat calcium, iron and easily absorbed. Immersed in water with a small amount of vinegar, and seaweed, can be made to shorten up the time, simmer beef, add a little vinegar before, easy to make beef, cakes, cooking lamb plus a small amount of vinegar to taste except smell of mutton. In addition there are health and
vinegar therapeutic role. Vinegar also lower blood pressure, prevent arteriosclerosis and treatment of coronary heart disease and high blood pressure effect. Steam fumigation room with vinegar can also kill viruses and bacteria to prevent colds and infectious diseases. Drunk when you drink a little vinegar to sober up. Hunxing in the consumption of greasy food after a large number of vinegar made available to lift the greasy soup and help digestion.

magical effect of vinegar:
1, festival walk many feet will feel uncomfortable, especially those who suffer from athlete’s foot, foot odor Jiaohan excessive and people’s feet every night at bedtime Water discharge point of vinegar, you can sleep comfortably. Such as the vinegar bath, after bath body relaxed. Case of mosquito bites can be painful enough for paint spots vinegar, which can be itching pain.
2, if you have motion sickness seasick defects, before departure to drink a small cup of vinegar in warm water, will significantly alleviate the symptoms. When you stay out of loss of sleep due to environmental changes, they can drink a cup of vinegar in the soft drinks before going to sleep, that is able to safely sleep.
3, such as diarrhea enteritis occurs, it can brew a cup of tea in the tea, add some vinegar to drink down, one-day cups to stop diarrhea. Sense of nausea and vomiting are steep a cup of hot salt water, and then add some vinegar to drink can after antiemetic.
4, in the vinegar, add two drops of wine and a little bit inside the salt, can become vinegar. When the Zhurou or potato, plus a small amount of vinegar, it is easy to Dunlan, taste is good. Sweet porridge when cooked add a little vinegar, make sweet porridge sweeter.
5, shoeshine, the drop on a drop of vinegar can make a lasting bright shoes.
6, in the warm bath, add a little vinegar, after bathing will feel extra cool and comfortable.
7, vinegar and glycerin ratio of five to a mixing with the regular cleaning can make the skin rough and delicate.
8, washed silk and other textiles, and add some vinegar in the water will help maintain the original luster.

the main component of vinegar is acetic acid, also contains a small amount of amino acids, organic acids, sugars, vitamin B1, B2 and so on. Vinegar and a variety of functions: It can sterilization solution fishy. In the immersion time plus a small amount of raw fish marinated in vinegar to prevent spoilage. In dealing with raw fish, oysters, crab, when made with vinegar sauce, 10 minutes to achieve solution fishy sterilization purposes.
vinegar can dissolve nutrients, such as salts of calcium, iron, etc., but also to protect the vitamin C in vegetables, reduce the heat damage. In the cooking sweet and sour ribs, boiled bone soup, river carp, sweet and sour mustard, hot and sour cabbage with sweet and sour seasoning, etc., both the unique sweet sour, but also make calcium, iron and integrated into the soup, the soup, When eating meat calcium, iron and easily absorbed. Immersed in water with a small amount of vinegar, and seaweed, can be made to shorten up the time, simmer beef, add a little vinegar before, easy to make beef, cakes, cooking lamb plus a small amount of vinegar to taste except smell of mutton. In addition there are health and
vinegar therapeutic role. Vinegar also lower blood pressure, prevent arteriosclerosis and treatment of coronary heart disease and high blood pressure effect. Steam fumigation room with vinegar can also kill viruses and bacteria to prevent colds and infectious diseases. Drunk when you drink a little vinegar to sober up. Hunxing in the consumption of greasy food after a large number of vinegar made available to lift the greasy soup and help digestion.

vinegar can also be beauty, aid digestion05-11-18

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