
适合初学者学习的100个句初级英语句子 |珠海英语学校

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适合初学者学习的100个句初级英语句子  |珠海英语学校

本内容由 珠海IBS英语学校 提供

1.give me a box of matches.please(请给我一盒火柴)

2.it doesn't matter to me.(对我来说都无所谓)

3.it doesn't matter if you're late.we will wait for you.(你来晚了也不要紧,我们会等你的)

4.maybe you should phone him.(你也许应该给他打个电话了)

5.the mattress is very clean.(这床垫非常干净)

6.as a matter of fact.you are wrong.(其实.你错了)

7.where is the matchbox.(那个火柴盒在哪)

8.which one of those people is mr.smith.(那些人当中哪位是史密斯先生)

9.who are you writing to.(你在给谁写信啊)

10.i'm writing to a friend of mine in south America.(我在给我一个南美洲的朋友写信)
11.i wrote down his telephone number.(我把他的电话号码写下来了)

12.my mother writes to me every week.(我母亲每星期都给我写信)

13.do you have any writing paper.(你们有信纸吗)

14.he is a famous writer.(他是一位xx的作家)

15.she wears a ring on her little finger.(她小手指上戴着个戒子)

16.i'd like to go to africa.(我很想去非洲)

17.he is african.(他是非洲人/黑人)

18.how many are there in your family.(你家有几口人)

19.there are four of us altogether.(我们总共有4口人)

20.let's talk about something else.(让我们谈点别的事情吧)
21.guess how old i am.(猜猜看我多大了)

22.i am two years older than you are.(我比你大两岁)

23.why don't you go to the doctor's.(为什么你不去看医生)

24.i was born on october the third nineteen eighty-one.(我是1981年10月3日出生的)

25.we had roast lamb for lunch.(我们午饭吃的是烤羊肉)

26.what do you know about the tenth century.(有关十世纪的事你知道些什么吗)

27.my horse was lame.so i can't ride her.(我的马瘸了,因此不能骑了)

28.what time do you start work.(你几点钟开始工作)

29.how long have you been out of work.(你失业多长时间了)

30.do you like cabbages.(你喜欢卷心菜/洋白菜吗)31.i don't know anything about that.(关于那些事情我什么都不清楚)

32.turn right at the end of the street.(在这条街的尽头向左拐)

33.i am going on holiday at the end of june.(我六月底去度假)

34.we are living at the end of the twentieth century.(我们生活在二十世纪末)

35.give me a bottle of perfume.(给我一瓶香水)

36.where is my phone book.(我的电话本在哪)

37.what month is this.(现在是几月份)

38.who's that over there.(那边那个人是谁)

39.Excuse me.where is the nearest phone box.please.(对不起,请问最近的电话亭在哪)

40.i have a phonograph.(我有一部留声机)

51.We arranged a big party for tim's birthday.(我们为蒂姆的生日准备了一个大型的聚会)

52.we are going for a walk in the forest.(我们在林中散步)

53.I think she will forgive you.(我想她会原谅你的)

54.I will never forget you.(我{jd1}不会忘记你)

55.She never works on saturdays.(星期六她向来不工作)

56.I've never been to America.(我从来没去过美国)

57.He never forgives me for forgetting his birthday.(我把他的生日忘了,他一直都不原谅我)

58.The dog is running after a rabbit.(那只豿正追着一只兔子)

59.She ran away from home when she was 14.(她14岁时就离家出走了)

60.Please come in one by one.(请一个一个地进来)
61.Do you like onion.(你喜欢洋葱吗)

62.Throw the dice.(掷骰子)

63.After his wife died.he lived by himself.(他妻子过世后,他就一人生活)

64.We've only just arrived.(我们刚刚到)

65.This pram is very nice.(这部婴儿车很好)

66.There is a power station near here.(这附近有个发电站)

67.I play the violin.(我会拉小提琴)

68.Those violets are lovely.(那些紫罗兰很漂亮)

69.Do you like swans.(你喜欢天鹅吗)

70.Do you like swallows.(你喜欢燕子吗)

71.Do you like high-jump.(你喜欢跳高吗)

72.Swimming is my favourite sport.(我最喜爱的运动是游泳)

73.She practices swimming everyday.(她每天练习游泳)

74.If you want to play the piano well.you must practice everyday.(你要想把钢琴弹好,就得每天练习)

75.How about going out for lunch.(出去吃午饭如何)

76.If you lost morality.you lost everything.(如果你失去了道德.你失去了一切)

77.My office is on the ground floor.(我的办公室在一楼)

78.I've got stomach-ache.(我肚子痛)

79.I've been to india.(我去过印度)

80.He is indian.(他是印度人)
81.Where is my comb.(我的梳子在哪)

82.Have you comb your hair.(你梳头了吗)

83.Do you like lions.(你喜欢狮子吗)

84.I put on some lipstick.(我涂了一些口红)

85.Do you like lizards.(你喜欢蜥蜴吗)

86.I'm going to be twenty-six next tuesday.(下星期二我就26岁了)

87.He speaks english with an American accent.(他说英语带有美国口音)

88.All of those people are friends of mine.(所有那些人都是我的朋友)

89.My parents speak english fluently.(我父母英语说得很流利).

90.Would you like some coffee.(您要喝点咖啡吗)
91.Where is my globe.(我的地球仪在哪)

92.I need a new pair of gloves.(我需要一副新手套)

93.Do you have any glue.(你们有胶水吗)

94.Do you like grapefruits.(你们喜欢柚子吗)

95.I've been to Argentina.(我去过阿根廷)

96.He is argentine.(他是阿根廷人)

97.Where will you be next year at this time.(明年这个时候你将在哪里)

98.I've been to Denmark.(我去过丹麦)

99.He is danish.(他是丹麦人)

100.A lot of people work with computers these days.(很多人现在都使用计算机工作)


珠海IBS英语学校  零基础学英语两个新班将于3月1号正式开课!


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