什么是味精的主要成分? « Live in China 混在中国








后来,味精,已成为中华民族在家里生活,一定是做任何投入,新鲜。味精释放应该在一个小碗里,表中的一个角落里最强大的四川火锅,表中的每个集装箱的芝麻油为两个小可以随时联系在一起, -只是盐,味精只有一个。客人Lazuo,当盐总是小心把更害怕被打败;下来时,味精少得多关切,并采取断然措施,倒了一碗,搅匀,将筷子提议派遣一个嘴巴,舌头和灵活的一舔,够味,然后愉快地吃。


90月初,有消息称,人们在早期切换到鸡。据可靠的连接统计,到目前,美国,日本,瑞士,韩国和香港,鸡肉和味精消费量为85%,而15%,对吃鸡肉占绝大多数。 1987年,联合国粮农组织和世界卫生组织食品添加剂法规委员会,对味精的试验年,xx了味精消费量应限制的规定。 1999年,味精也做了严格的我国毒性试验。专家告诉我们,实验证明一个人吃50克,100克或200克的数量,一般是没有问题的。


80 °味精,谷氨酸钠含量80%,另一种是99 °味精,99.9%的谷氨酸钠含量,也没有纯粹的或已知的盐,味精味精,即味精了至99度,一旦到达一个极端的,不太可能继续下跌的改善。

80年初,人们发现,所谓的核酸也能提高味精了新鲜。根据味精和核酸的适当比例混合,他们奇迹般地发现了新的产品,分别为“味{zw}”之称,“加鲜味精的第二代”,“特殊鲜味精”等。第二代产品的新鲜比传统的高,以99 °味精,对100名在第二代鲜味剂保鲜出现120 °,150 °,200 °,400 °新鲜的产品满足不同层次人们的权利,追求不同的新鲜感。
,但单一,仍不能xx满足人们对味道的追求丰富的味道。为了既增加了新鲜的味道,现在出现的问题,以提供新鲜产品的第三代复合味道。该产品最早是在1970年由日本的成功,称为鲤鱼精子。鲤鱼的特征是xx香料,风味激烈,配置由多种香料组成的,味道更丰富,更系统,更完整的营养。自那时以来,美国,瑞士,韩国,泰国,香港等国家和地区,而且还根据当地的口味特点,它已经开发出独特的风味类似的产品,如鸡(在欧洲,美洲, ,香港),牛肉提取物(韩国),猪肉的罚款(泰国)等。特别是鸡以其独特的风味,纯正的味道,而且营养丰富,被视为是对第三代味精xx。随着近三年的发展,当然,这些国家的消费者,如第三代产品,鸡肉风味更好地理解,接受。


What is the main component of MSG?

What is the main component of MSG?

the main component of MSG is monosodium glutamate. Glutamate is the brain, one of the oxidative metabolism of amino acids, to improve and maintain the function of the hypothalamus is very important.
normal daily sodium intake of 1-2 grams is sufficient to satisfy physiological needs (of the United Nations recommended intake per person per day is 8 grams of salt, salt mainly composed of sodium chloride), such as excessive drinking can cause body water and sodium retention, resulting in thinning of blood vessel lumen, vascular resistance increased, an increase in blood volume and increased heart, kidney burden, resulting in high blood pressure.

sodium glutamate ~ high school chemistry science

sodium glutamate

MSG and chicken

all seasoning inside, “scandal” the largest source is monosodium glutamate. Some people have loved a heaven-sent, no it does not meals; others reject the thousands of miles, and never dip lip. Great views of opponents of the MSG, MSG is a chemical will become the so-called, and eat a lot, ranging from hair loss, weight have resulted in memory loss. Supporters always only one sentence: come up with evidence. All along, really there is no conclusive evidence.

MSG is a Japanese invention, “Ajinomoto”, earlier in the Chinese language is very exaggerated advertising, called “clean water changed chicken soup.” For the revenue-strapped people who is a no small attraction.

Later, MSG has become the Chinese people live at home must have something to do anything put, fresh. Monosodium glutamate release should be the most powerful Sichuanese hot pot table each container of sesame oil in a small bowl, a corner table stood two small can always be linked, - just salt, MSG is only one. Guests Lazuo, when the salt is always careful put more afraid of being defeated; down MSG when far fewer concerns and take drastic measures to pour a bowl, stir well, will chopsticks proposed to send a mouth, tongue and flexible to a licking,够味, and then happily eat.

starting from the 80’s is not conducive to multi-up rumors of MSG, and that many foreigners do not eat MSG on, every restaurant, will be repeatedly advised the service.

90 early, there is news, people in early to switch to chicken. According to a reliable connection to statistics, to the present, the United States, Japan, Switzerland, South Korea and Hong Kong, chicken, and monosodium glutamate consumption compared to 85% compared with 15%, accounted for the vast majority of eating chicken. In 1987, the United Nations FAO and WHO Food Additives Regulations Committee, based on years of MSG experiment, eliminating the consumption of MSG should be limited provisions. In 1999, MSG has also done our country a rigorous toxicity tests. Experts tell us that the experiment prove that a person eat 50 grams, 100 grams or 200 grams of volume, are generally no problem.

MSG is a dish of the first generation of air fresheners. In our country, which began in 1922 in Shanghai days kitchen monosodium glutamate factory, has been nearly 80 years. The main component of MSG is the sodium glutamate, mainly through the production process of rice, corn and other grain or molasses, using extracted microbial fermentation methods. By sodium glutamate on the market are mainly two kinds of MSG. One is

80 ° monosodium glutamate, the sodium content of glutamic acid 80%; the other is 99 ° monosodium glutamate, the sodium content of 99.9% glutamic acid, also known as pure or no salt, MSG MSG, that is MSG up to 99 degrees once they arrive at an extreme, less likely to go down on the improve.

80 early, it was discovered that called nucleic acids can also enhance the freshness of MSG up. According to the MSG and nucleic acid mixed with a proper ratio, they miraculously found a second generation by fresh products, respectively, known as “flavor king”, “plus fresh MSG,” “special fresh monosodium glutamate” and so on. Second-generation product freshness much higher than the traditional, to 99 ° MSG, the freshness of 100 in the second generation of umami agents appeared 120 °, 150 °, 200 °, 400 ° different levels of product freshness meet the people’s right to pursue a different freshness.

by the second generation of fresh products fresh is fresh men, but the taste of a single, still do not fully satisfy people’s pursuit of a rich taste. In order to increase both by fresh and flavor, the question arose to provide compound flavor by the third generation of fresh products. This product was first developed in 1970 by the Japanese success, called carp sperm. Carp is characterized by a natural flavor, flavor intense, and the configuration formed by a variety of spices, taste richer, more structured, nutrition and more complete. Since then, in the United States, Switzerland, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, but also has features according to local tastes, it has developed a distinctive flavor similar products, such as the chicken (in Europe, America, Hong Kong), Beef Extract (South Korea), pork fine (Thailand), etc.. Especially the chicken, with its unique flavor and pure flavor, but also rich in nutrition, is known as the third generation of MSG. With nearly three years of development, consumers in these countries of course, chicken flavor products such as third-generation a better understanding, receptive.

chicken is a species complex flavor agents. In addition it contains chicken meal, egg powder, then add the understanding of protein and nucleic acid flavor, as well as a certain proportion of salt, and chicken oil, etc.. Therefore, except for taste better than fresh, it is also more nutritious. The emergence of a new generation of chicken essence seasoning can be said that the food industry in the development of a milestone. Many people have begun to use the chicken as a very fashionable thing, but the popularity of the amount of chicken in our very small, far keep up the traditional MSG. This requires a process, a process of cognitive and habit. Anyway, MSG and chicken, the market has to sell, prices have also summoned up the courage, willing to eat anything on what to buy, or to buy some, make a comparison, and then again for later on in life to make a plan and arrangements.


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