90 # 93 # 97 # What is the difference of gasoline? « Industry info ...

90 # 93 # 97 # What is the difference of gasoline?

the so-called No. 90, 93, 97 unleaded petrol means that they contain 90%, respectively, 93 %, 97% of the anti-knock ability of the “iso-octane,” that contains 10%, respectively, 7%, 3% of the anti-knock ability of poor n-heptane. So octane level of gasoline engines has become the ability to combat knock level indicators. Should use 97 petrol engines, so if 90 # gasoline, of course, prone to knock.

the engine compression ratio and knock

the most current vehicles to use the so-called four-stroke engine, which is a piston inside the cylinder reciprocating motion in order to “intake, compression, broke out the exhaust of the” four stroke, inhalation of petrol and air mixture, and then compress it, and then blasting it spark plug point gain momentum, gains momentum again after the gas after the discharge point of explosion.

First, we have to understand that the four-stroke engine with the fuel is not necessarily gasoline, compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, or even alcohol, can be used as a motor fuel. Gasoline will be the main reason for fuel because it is relatively easy to obtain, easier storage, a relatively low price.

is because the engine can use a variety of fuels, so in the beginning of engine development, engineers have made many attempts, in addition to trying different designs, the engine did not have the same performance, but also try to use different fuels will be different results. The results showed that when other conditions are unchanged, so long as the engine’s compression ratio raised even higher, it will be even greater horsepower output. However, the compression ratio increase is not unlimited, and when the compression ratio raised too high, the engine knock occurs. The so-called knock is the result of compressed oil or gas mixture, not in the ignition before the spark plug on the compression stroke because they are caused by the movement of gas molecules heat generated by light, forming the so-called spontaneous combustion, and then once again ignited spark plug oil or compressed gas mixture, resulting in two groups of high explosive fireball in the combustion chamber violent collisions, and thus produce a knock on the door in general, “Cameroon, Cameroon, Cameroon” sound. After careful study, engineers discovered that they knock and fuel choices, and if the election for the fuel, so even though we increase the engine compression ratio, it will not happen knock.
aware of the relationship between the detonation and fuel, the engineers began to refinery generated, can be used as motor fuel each brought a variety of tests and experiments and found that the worst effects of the anti-knock “is G alkyl “, so the engineers put the strongest earthquake index of 100 to the iso-octane, while the worst-heptane gave it a seismic index of 0. Thus, from the beginning of the high and low octane gasoline engines has become high and low ability to knock against the indicators. So what is octane

do? It was engineers in the laboratory, using an adjustable compression ratio single cylinder engine to do tests measured data. In the experiment, along with a gradual increase in compression ratio, test the fuel never knock, combustion and smooth the situation began to gradually adjust to the knock. When one began to emerge when the detonation, and went over to the iso-octane and n-heptane mixture situation, if there is knock the status of timing, coinciding with the 97 copies of iso-octane and 3 copies of the test status of n-heptane exactly the same as then the test fuel octane number is 97. So, when we say 90, 93, 97 unleaded petrol, when in fact it is just an octane number of the ratio.

correct choice of petrol label

Many owners mistakenly believe that the label is the oil gas purity and quality standards for gasoline vehicles, the higher the better use of labels, such thinking is wrong. Label simply means that the level of gasoline octane number of the size, should be based on the engine compression ratio of different to choose a different label of gasoline. Compression ratio in the 8.5-9.5 should generally be between the mid-range cars to use 93 gasoline; compression ratio greater than 9.5 should use the 97 gasoline cars. The compression ratio of the current China-made cars are generally more than 9, it is best to use 93 or 97 gasoline.

high compression ratio engines if the use of low-grade gasoline will lead to a sudden rise in temperature of the cylinder, gasoline combustion is incomplete, a strong vibration machine, so that power output decreased mechanical damage. Low compression ratio engines insist on using high-grade oil, there will be “ignition delay” phenomenon, that is down to his head it is less than self-ignition point, the same phenomenon will appear incomplete combustion, the engine is also no good.


90# 93# 97#的汽油有什么分别?










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