高压变频调速器在冷却水循环泵上应用- 化工泵的日志- 网易博客


2010-02-21 16:05:58 阅读5 评论0 字号:

摘要:本文介绍了国产高压变频器在浙江省衢州巨化硫酸厂的改造应用情况,冷却水循环泵变频改造后的运行数据表明,改造是成功的,节能效果是明显的。 关键词:高压变频器、冷却水循环泵 1、引言: 浙江省衢州巨化硫酸厂是我国首批自己设计、制造、安装的重点硫酸生产企业,是浙江省{zd0}的硫酸生产厂。在硫酸生产过程中,需要对水冷极板进行冷却,冷却水循环泵是硫酸生产工艺中的重要设备,过去冷却水循环泵均不调速,利用出口阀门来控制水流量和管网压力,由于设备的选择都是按{zd0}负荷情况来选型,在实际运行中设备留有较大的余量,冷却水的流量与压力是通过冷却水循环泵出、入口联络管上的调节阀来进行调节,造成电动机运行效率较低,造成电能浪费,为降低生产成本,经过论证,决定选用风光牌JD-BP37型高压变频器对冷却水循环泵进行变频调速节能改造,以解决能源浪费问题。 2、用户冷却水循环泵及配套电动机有关参数为: 水泵型号:500S-35单级双吸离心泵; 流量:561L∕S转速:970r/min 扬程:35m 电机功率:280KW 电压:6000V 电流:35.2A 转速:985r/min 3、新风光JD-BP37型高压变频调速器 3.1JD-BP37型高压变频调速器简介 JD-BP37型高压变频调速器采用{zx1}型IGBT为主控器件,全数字化,彩色液晶触摸屏控制,以高可靠性、易操作、高性能为设计目标的优质变频调速器。经过多年研发,产品已广泛应用于冶金、石油、化工、电力、水泥、给排水、制药、造纸、污水处理等各个行业。成为精品,决非偶然。 风光高压变频器,采用若干个低压逆变器功率单元串联的方式实现直接高压输出,所用的6kv高压变频器,变压器有18组付边绕组,分为6个功率单元∕相,三相共18个单元,采用36脉冲整流,输入端的谐波成分满足国标规定,高压变频器系统结构,单元电路的主电路,旁路支路采用可控硅模块。 3.2JD-BP37型高压变频调速器主要技术性能 3.2.1高——高电压源型变频器,直接6KV输入,直接6KV输出,无须任何输出变压器或滤波器,适配于普通高压电动机,对电机、电缆绝缘无损害。 3.2.2输入功率因数高,电流谐波小,无须功率因数补偿、谐波抑制装置。 3.2.3单元电路模块化设计,维护简单,互换性好。 3.2.4高压主回路与控制器之间为光纤连接,强弱电隔离,安全可靠。 3.2.5完善的故障检测,xx的故障保护及准确的定位显示和报警。 3.2.6内置PLC,适应现场多变需求。 3.2.7控制电源与高压电相互独立,无高压可以检测变频器输出,便于现场调试以及培训操作人员,便于维护。 3.2.8功率单元经24小时高温老化、150%负载试验,可靠性高。 3.2.9中文Windows操作界面,彩色液晶触摸屏操作。 3.2.10可接收和输出多路工业标准信号。 3.2.11可打印输出运行报表。 4、控制原理及电气设备改造回路图 变频器控制3#循环泵,2#、1#循环泵一开一备。现在以冷却水母管压力为给定量,根据工艺所需母管压力调节循环泵转速,压力信号取自主管网,目标压力值设定在0.24Mpa。 5、高压变频器节电情况介绍 设备改造工程于2005年1月完成,高压变频器一次试车成功,运行正常,频率运行在40Hz左右,保证了循环水的正常温度。其节电相关数据为: ⒌⒈工频运行数据为: 5月27日14:30运行频率50Hz输入电流23.8A输入电压6KV 5月27日21:35运行频率50Hz输入电流26.4A输入电压6KV 5月28日08:00运行频率50Hz输入电流25.2A输入电压6KV 5月28日21:00运行频率50Hz输入电流24.8A输入电压6KV 5月29日06:25运行频率50Hz输入电流24.1A输入电压6KV 工频平均运行电流24.86A功率因数COSΦ1=0.85 ⒌⒉变频运行数据 5月27日11:00运行频率41:55Hz输入电流13.0A输入电压6KV 5月27日12:00运行频率41:55Hz输入电流13.1A输入电压6KV 5月27日13:00运行频率41:55Hz输入电流13.0A输入电压6KV 5月27日14:00运行频率41:55Hz输入电流13.2A输入电压6KV 变频平均运行电流为13.07A,功率因数为COSΦ2=0.98 每年节省用电: (I×COSΦ1-I×COSΦ2)×Ua×1.732×24小时×350天=71.8万度 每年节省用电费用:每年节省用电×0.5元/度=35.9万元 变频运行时节电率达到40%。 设备运行时频率达到35Hz,就可以达到工艺要求的出水压力,春冬秋三个季节设备xx可以在35Hz运行,节电率可达到50%左右,按目前41Hz运行计算,每年可以节电71万度,节省电费35.9万元,其成本回收期为1.8年。 6、结束语 风光牌高压变频调速器在巨化股份公司硫酸厂冷却水循环泵的应用,可以使冷却水循环泵随着负荷的变化调节冷却水流量,达到节约能源的目的,同时对循环泵软启动,保护了水泵、电机,减少泵体和电机维护费用,改善了冷却水循环泵运行工况,降低了企业生产成本。在高压变频技术越来越成熟的今天,相信国产高压变频调速器,在各个行业会有更好的表现。

“ High-voltage frequency converter in the application of the cooling water circulation pump”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Abstract: This paper describes the domestic high-voltage inverter Quzhou in Zhejiang Province giant of the transformation of the application of sulfuric acid plant, cooling water circulation pump frequency converter operation data show that the transformation is successful, energy-saving effect is obvious. Key words: high-voltage inverter, cooling water circulation pump 1, Introduction: Quzhou, Zhejiang Province giant of sulfuric acid plant is one of the first own design, manufacture and installation of the focus of sulfuric acid production company, is the largest sulfuric acid production plant, Zhejiang Province. In sulfuric acid production process, the need for water cooling plate for cooling, cooling water circulation pump is an important sulfuric acid production process equipment, cooling water pumps in the past, not speed, use of export valve to control water flow and pipe network pressure, due to equipment The options are according to the maximum load situation to selection, in actual operation of equipment, left a large margin, the cooling water flow and pressure through the cooling water circulation pump, importers contact pipe control valve to be regulated, resulting in motor is running low efficiency, resulting in energy waste, in order to reduce production costs, through the demonstration and decided to use scenery license JD-BP37-type high-voltage inverter frequency control cooling water circulation pump energy-saving, in order to solve the problem of energy wastage. 2, the user auxiliary motor cooling water circulation pumps and related parameters as follows: Pump Model: 500S-35 single-stage double-suction centrifugal pump; Flow: 561L / S speed: 970r/min Head: 35m Motor power: 280KW Voltage: 6000V Current: 35.2A Speed: 985r/min 3, the new scenery JD-BP37-type high-voltage frequency converter 3.1JD-BP37-pressure VVVF Introduction JD-BP37-type high-voltage frequency converter controller using the latest IGBT-based piece, all-digital, color LCD touch screen control, high reliability, easy operation, high performance goals for the design of high quality frequency control devices. After years of research and development, products have been widely used in metallurgy, petroleum, chemical, electric power, cement, water supply and drainage, pharmaceutical, paper making, sewage treatment and other various industries. Become a boutique, is no accident. Scenery of high-voltage inverter, using a number of low-voltage inverter power unit in series means to achieve the direct high-voltage output, high-voltage inverter used 6kv, transformer winding side of 18 groups to pay is divided into six power unit / phase, three-phase total of 18 units, using 36-pulse rectifier, the input of the harmonic components to meet the national standard, high-pressure transducer system structure, the main circuit unit circuit, bypass slip using thyristor module. 3.2JD-BP37-type high-pressure main technical performance VVVF 3.2.1 High - High Voltage Source Inverter, direct 6KV input, direct 6KV output, without any output transformers or filters, adapters ordinary high voltage motors, the motor, no damage to cable insulation. 3.2.2 Input power factor high current harmonics is small, no power factor compensation, harmonic suppression devices. 3.2.3 cell circuit modular design, easy maintenance, good interchangeability. 3.2.4 between the high-voltage main circuit and controller for the optical fiber connections, the strength of electrical isolation, safe and reliable. 3.2.5 improve the fault detection, accurate fault protection and accurate positioning of display and alarm. 3.2.6 Built-in PLC, to adapt to changing needs of the site. 3.2.7 Control power and high-voltage independent, non-high-voltage inverter output can be detected and easy on-site commissioning and training of operators, easy to maintain. 3.2.8 Power unit via a 24-hour high-temperature aging, 150% load test, and high reliability. 3.2.9 Chinese Windows user interface, color LCD touch-screen operation. 3.2.10 can receive and output multiple industry-standard signals. 3.2.11 to run the report printout. 4, control theory and electrical equipment modification circuit diagram Inverter control of circulating pump 3 #, 2 #, 1 # 1 prepared to open a circulating pump. Jellyfish now cooling pipe pressure to the quantitative, according to the required process pressure regulator female pipe circulation pump speed, pressure signal from the head of networks, target pressure value set 0.24Mpa. 5, high-voltage inverter energy-saving presentation Equipment renovation project was completed in January 2005, a test voltage inverter successfully operating normally, the frequency run in 40Hz or so, ensure the normal temperature of circulating water. Its power-saving data as follows: ⒌ ⒈ frequency operation data as follows: At 14:30 on May 27 operating frequency of 50Hz Input Current 23.8A Input Voltage 6KV At 21:35 on May 27 operating frequency of 50Hz Input Current 26.4A Input Voltage 6KV At 08:00 on May 28 operating frequency of 50Hz Input Current 25.2A Input Voltage 6KV At 21 o'clock on May 28 operating frequency of 50Hz Input Current 24.8A Input Voltage 6KV At 06:25 on May 29 operating frequency of 50Hz Input Current 24.1A Input Voltage 6KV The average operating current 24.86A-frequency power factor COSΦ1 = 0.85 ⒌ ⒉ inverter operation data At 11:00 on May 27 operating frequency of 41:55 Hz input current 13.0A Input Voltage 6KV At 12:00 on May 27 operating frequency of 41:55 Hz input current 13.1A Input Voltage 6KV At 1:00 p.m. on May 27 operating frequency of 41:55 Hz input current 13.0A Input Voltage 6KV At 2:00 p.m. on May 27 operating frequency of 41:55 Hz input current 13.2A Input Voltage 6KV Frequency average run current 13.07A, power factor COSΦ2 = 0.98 An annual saving of electricity: (I × COSΦ1-I × COSΦ2) × Ua × 1.732 × 24 Xiao Shi × 350 days = 718,000 degrees Annual savings of electricity cost: an annual saving of electricity consumption × 0.5 yuan / degree = 359,000 yuan Inverter run-time power-saving rate of 40%. Equipment run-time frequency of 35Hz, you can achieve the technical requirements of the water pressure, spring and winter seasons autumn three devices can run at 35Hz, power-saving rate can reach about 50%, 41Hz operation under the current terms, annually saving 710,000 degrees, to save electricity 359,000 yuan, the cost recovery period is 1.8 years. 6, Conclusion High-voltage frequency converter card scenery in Juhua's sulfuric acid plant cooling water circulation pump applications, the cooling water circulation pumps can make the changes with the load regulation of cooling water flow to achieve energy savings, while circulation pump soft start, protection of the pumps, motors, pump and motor to reduce maintenance costs, improving the cooling water circulation pump operating conditions, reduce the scale of production costs. In the high-voltage inverter technology, more and more mature now, I think Chinese-made high-voltage frequency converter, in the various industries have better performance.

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