白酒喝多少是安全的各个领域? « Live in China 混在中国




一般喝2 2左右。{zh0}喝葡萄酒,是人体内生活,舒筋xx,防止血管这么难。

Baijiu how much each drink is safe area?

Baijiu how much each drink is safe area?

generally do not drink alcohol before going to bed 22 can, generally do not drink empty stomach, will Shangwei winter, preferably one or two drug drinks. If you are on a banquet, drinking far as possible before drink a little soup, I drink soup with MSG will be hangover, to the drunken-like state, the more use of deep breathing, inhale, the lungs expand when you breath the air into the lungs all the pressure out of the body, will feel is not drunk, in short, do not drink alcohol 12, 22 to drink alcohol is the most secure, and the other who climb operations, driving, work, are not drinking, physical discomfort, is serving a western medicine should not be drinking.

Reference: on the amount of alcohol response and security issues with the drinking of art and skill

General drink 2 2 about. Best to drink wine, are living in the body, Shujinhuoxue to prevent the blood vessels so hard.04-12-13

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