家庭xx的10个奇招【中英双语】_Solvil et Titus_百度空间

Home cure: Vodka

  Use it for: Foot odor

  If your feet smell less than swell, wipe them down with a vodka-soaked washcloth to get rid of the stench. It’s the same principle as rubbing alcohol. Vodka contains alcohol, which is antiseptic and drying, so it destroys odor-causing fungus and bacteria and dries out the moisture that lets these organisms grow.   




Home cure: Yogurt Home cure: Pencil

  Use it for: Bad breath

  Preliminary research shows that the live bacteria in yogurt can suppress levels of bad breath-causing bacteria. “Good” bugs in yogurt may crowd out the “bad” stink-causing bacteria or create an unhealthy environment for it.   




  Use it for: Headaches

  When you’re stressed or anxious, you subconsciously clench your jaw and teeth; this strains the muscle that connects your jaw to your temples and can trigger a tension headache. A solution: Put a pencil between your teeth but don’t bite. You automatically relax your jaw muscle to do this, which can prevent the pain.




Home cure: Listerine

  Use it for: Blisters

  The classic breath freshener – and powerful antiseptic – can also do a number on blisters. Moisten a cotton ball with Listerine and dab it on your blister three times a day until the area dries out and no longer hurts.  




Home cure: Tennis ball

  Use it for: Achy feet

  For an easy, free mini massage that stretches and soothes your arches, slip off your shoes and roll each foot over a tennis ball, golf ball or soup can for a minute or two. To cool throbbing feet, roll them over a bottle of frozen water.




 Home cure: Sugar

  Use it for: Hiccups

  A teaspoon of sugar swallowed dry can stop hiccups in minutes. The sugar is believed to modify the nerve muscles that would otherwise tell the muscles in the diaphragm to contract spasmodically and contribute to hiccups.




Home cure: Olives or lemons

  Use it for: Motion sickness

  Motion sickness causes you to produce excess saliva, which can make you nauseated. Compounds in olives called tannins dry out your mouth and can help soothe the queasiness. Pop a couple at the first hint of nausea; sucking on a lemon can also do the trick.   




Home cure: Peppermint or cinnamon gum

  Use it for: The stress of a traffic-packed commute

  In a NASA-funded study, scientists from Wheeling Jesuit University monitored the responses of 25 college students during simulated driving scenarios. The volunteers reported that peppermint lowered their feelings of fatigue or anxiety by 20 percent. Peppermint and cinnamon each decreased frustration by 25 percent, increased alertness by 30 percent and made the ride seem 30 percent shorter. Not a gum or candy person? Buy peppermint or cinnamon aromatherapy diffusers for the car.   



  在美国国家航空航天局资助的一项研究中,来自威林耶稣大学的科学家们监测了25 位大学生在模拟驾驶情境中的反应。参与者反应,薄荷糖可以将他们的疲惫感或焦虑感减少20%,而薄荷糖和肉桂糖都可以将沮丧感降低25%,将警觉度提高30%,并让人感觉行程似乎缩短了30%。不喜欢吃口香糖或糖果的人怎么办呢?那就为你的车买薄荷或肉桂味道的香薰器。

Home cure: Apple

  Use it for: Whiter teeth

  Crunchy fruits and vegetables act as little toothbrushes when you chew them; they have a natural cleansing action that works on tooth enamel to remove stains. In particular, apples have a gentle malic acid that also helps dissolve stains.




Home cure: Vegetable oil

  Use it for: Brittle nails

  In order to really fix dry nails, you have to address the problem of too little moisture. In addition to using hand lotion regularly, try this nighttime treatment: Before you go to bed, apply vegetable oil to your hands, then put on vinyl gloves or wrap your hands in plastic wrap to keep the oil off your bedding. The hand coverings force the oil to penetrate your skin, preventing your hands and nails from getting too dry.



  为了真正解决干指甲的问题, 你必须解决水分太少的困扰。除了要经常使用护手霜,试试这个夜间xx方法:在你睡觉前,将蔬菜油涂在手上,然后戴上乙烯基手套,或者用保鲜膜将双手包起来以确保油不会滴落在床上。手上的覆盖物会促进油渗入肌肤,使你的双手和指甲不会太干。

  1. temple n. 太阳穴,鬓角。

  2. 晕动病(motion sickness)又称运动病,是晕车、晕船、晕机等的总称。

  3. queasiness n. 恶心。

  4. spasmodically ad. 断续性地。

  5. commute n. 上下班交通,上下班交通路程。


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