Transport/Public transport in Australia 澳大利亚的公共交通【译文 ...
2010年2月21日 由 Will Zhang

Australia is one of the largest countries in the world and with that there is a large distance to cover to get from one place to another when using public transport in inland Australia and it is used much more frequently within cities and towns. Public transport is transport that someone else owns and charges a fare or ticket to enable people to travel on these services. There are two forms of transport in Australia. These are public and private. Private is transport that is owned by the individual and is used whenever he/she wishes. Many Australians use private transport in the form of cars and motor bikes, whilst walking and cycling is also done. People from rural, urban and residential areas cars as their major form of transportation, so if your looking to stay in these areas it is worthwhile to invest in a car. Cars can be bought either new or used. Used car dealers are numerous in Australia and often the price can be bargained down. Once you buy a car you must pay taxes and should buy insurance. A licence to drive a motor vehicle in Australia is essential, if you operate a vehicle without a licence you risk being fined a large money penalty. Hitchhiking, which means getting a free ride with a stranger in a car, is not an encouraged way of getting from place to place as this is regarded as unsafe. Trucks are used widely in Australia to transport goods over long distances, therefore you will see many trucks sharing the roads, mainly freeways but also highways, with other motorists.
There are many forms of public transport in Australia. Australia is of course a developed country and with that its public transport system is up to high international standards. Although the train systems may not run exactly on time or cancellations may ocurr, trains are often the best method for civilians to travel across long distances via public transport. Taxis are regarded as more expensive than any other form of public transport whereas trains and buses are the cheapest. There are many taxis available and prices range depending on distance travelled and time of day, sizes and shapes with luxury taxi services available.
Another form of transport found mainly in Melbourne, but also available in a lesser degree in a few other cities, is a tram service. This form of public transport is located in Melbourne’s Central Business District (CBD) and stretches to the outskirts of inner Melbourne. Buses operate all over major cities, towns and rural areas and often offer late night services. Ferries or mid sized boats can be used to cross lakes and rivers in some areas, such as travelling from Geelong to Melbourne buy ferrie can be faster than travelling by car.
Fare prices for public transport essentially remain fixed and is not measured in distance like they do in China’s metro service. Melbourne ticket price system is based on two zones, zone 1 and zone 2. If travelling in one zone you need only to pay the fee for the one zone unless you are crossing into the other zone in which you will have to pay the other zones fee also. Prices range from $2 to $10 a day depending on factors such as concession, daily, two hour tickets etc.
Many Australians use public transport and an increasing number of people are starting to shift to public transport, due to it being a cheaper form of transport than driving your own car. If you are new to the country you will most likely be using public transport as your means of transportation, but you will be lucky as Australia is a great country and has a reliable transportation system.


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