2010-02-08 15:40:17 阅读7 评论0 字号:大中小
The method may aid as many as 10,000 patients this year in Europe, where regulators allowed the devices on the market without clinical trials for the weakest patients. Doctors there are years ahead of their American counterparts, who must await research results and U.S. approval before using the valves.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will make approval contingent on a study to prove the valves are at least as effective, and as safe, as traditional care.
Doctors in the U.S. recognize the FDA’s need for caution, said Murat Tuzcu, an interventional cardiologist and vice chair for clinical operations at the Cleveland Clinic.
Traditional repair requires surgeons to stop the heart and make an incision running the length of the chest to get access to the valve that controls the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the body. The narrowed and calcified aortic valve is cut out, and a $5,000 replacement is sewn into place. The surgery is effective, with valves lasting 15 years or longer, said Larry Wood, Edwards’s corporate vice president of transcatheter valve replacement.
Surgeons are still unsure of the death and complication rates, including strokes, aortic rupture, bleeding and migrating valves, in patients who undergo the procedure. A registry tracking patients in Europe showed a 78 percent survival after on
原文来自: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601124&sid=ayZVJl83Srd4
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“这是一个致命的条件,与百分之五十周年死亡率,”托马斯说。 “真正的技能,特别是在这个早期阶段,正在复苏的病人谁才能生存的过程,然后也将兴旺。”