LG发布Skinny Frame超薄等离子电视

鐩镐俊瀵逛簬澶у昂瀵哥數瑙嗙殑閫夋嫨锛屼粛鏈変笉灏戜汉浼氶挓鎯呬簬绛夌瀛愮數瑙嗐€侺G杩戞潵鍙戝竷浜哠kinny Frame绯诲垪鐨勭瓑绂诲瓙鐢佃锛屾渶澶х殑鐗硅壊灏辨槸鐢佃鍘氬害浣庝簬25mm锛岀洰鍓嶆湁60瀵哥殑60PK550浠ュ強50瀵哥殑50PK550锛屽叿澶?涓狧DMI锛屾湁600Hz鏇存柊棰戠巼浠ュ強鑷姩瀵规瘮鍔熻兘锛屽苟涓斿彲浠ラ€氳繃USB鎺ュ彛鏉ユ挱鏀剧収鐗囦互鍙婂奖鐗囥€傚敭浠峰垎鍒负3800000闊╁厓浠ュ強1700000闊╁厓锛堝垎鍒害浜烘皯甯?2,642鍏冦€?0,129鍏冿級锛岀湅璧锋潵浜у搧涓嶉敊锛屼絾涔熶笉渚垮疁銆?/p>

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