宝宝可以和超市买的果汁吗? « BABY宝宝百科

宝宝六个月了可以喝超市买的果汁吗?要不要温热?六个月的宝宝可以吃些什么?我家宝宝现在就吃人奶 米粉 牛奶 还有喝汤偶尔还吃点鱼,宝宝还可以补充点什么?







你这样的就不错了,我 家宝宝也是这样吃的。

baby of six months can drink the juice supermarket to buy it? Hot or not? Six months of the baby can eat what? My baby is now eating rice milk, human milk also occasionally eat fish soup, baby can also add what?

I tell you resolutely do not let children the supermarket to buy fruit juice drink. Examples of our neighbors from the beginning to let children drink, and later on the uncontrollable. Apart from those who have nothing to drink. Finally, do not even eat rice. Of course Let your baby may not necessarily be so. My son is seven and a half months. He ate these things, you see, if practical, you can do for him to eat.
rice: an egg every day, and transferred into milk at best; eat tofu, spinach, eggs, soup, milk. breastmilk Heinz also
mud vegetables, fruits, cement. fruit is what I do most of: apples, bananas, peaches, scraping with spoon-feeding him into mud, grape skin and seed, made it small for him to eat. almost on the
. with the food.

Or is the best juice, fresh and health, to buy the juice inside is generally added preservatives, the longer shelf-life of more bad. Six months can also eat eggs, noodles, tofu, vegetables, as long as they are able to digest a small amount can slowly try to feed, as long as no adverse reactions can be added.

Best not to, their juice is the best, now get to drink now

Certainly want to add egg yolk, from a quarter to eat until the beginning of a gradual increase in the whole egg, egg yolk is good for added intelligence. Now directly to the baby to drink freshly squeezed fruit juice may be too pure, and will be diarrhea, may be water, not heating, vitamins are lost, but also is pressing to eat now. Apple can blow into the baby to eat mud.

1 not to buy baby feeding products outside the juice, to their own juicer is pressed with the juice (note to wash fruit, peeled fruit is not to use salt water Wash your look light, used to clean juicer clean back-up, the next best boiled before clicking)
2, tomatoes, oranges, the most convenient, with clean gauze crowded there. Fruits such as apples and pears are also good, there can be a carrot, it is necessary to note that Apple have to drink immediately, or else a few minutes of oxidation.

3 to ensure the absorption of vitamins is the best Health drink, but if the weather is not hot when the temperature may be a small amount of boiling water. baby food
4 to diversify and grow up to have a good habit not only grown up being choosy food. Best baby grow up healthy!

Fruit juice in the supermarket there are many anti-corrosion, the baby had a bad drink, bad for development length. It is best to eat fresh fruit juice, myself, the economy may, to the supermarket to buy some good fruit juice to drink to the baby. I teach you a fruit juice, is to use carrot (1) and orange (half) to separate juice, and then together, add water, honey against these children, so they drink to the baby, the baby is drink. Give it a try.
you this would be a blessing, my family eat the same way baby.

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