旅行包之错 刘培莹_herosmile_新浪博客
企鹅大意:Gisela is going to Rio.She likes to read books.She is a quiet girl.So she likes quiet people.Ricardo is going home to Rio,too.He is a loudy boy.But they stay at the same airplane!
                      At the airplane,Ricardo's bag falls on Gisela's leg.Gisela is very angry.Many hours later.The airplane arrives at Rio.Gisela does not like Ricardo.So she to leave quickly. She on the bus to leave.But she to take Ricardo's bag!This is a Big bag mistake.Ricardo runs after the bus,but the bus doesn't stop for him.On the bus,a thief  to steal "Gisela 's bag".But Gisela doesn't that.She walks hometo her apartment building.Ricardo is wait for her at the door.There is Gisela 's bag!
读后感:Gisela and Ricardo are diffdrent.In the world,there are many people.Everyone have diffdrent charauteristic.So we must to accept them.Maybe they can help you.
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