
3、Other Applications 其它应用领域

3.1  Mercaptan Removal  硫醇的去除

    Light straight run gasoline, lower-boiling range distillates and other non-hydrotreated fuels ("sour stocks") contain sulfur compounds such as mercaptans, that must be removed ("extraction/sweetening") to avoid problems with odor and corrosion, or prior to catalytic reforming and catalytic alkylation processes. Activated carbon products especially designed can offer a mercaptan removal solution to provide catalyst support for desulfurization processes treating petroleum distillates.


3.4.1  Food and Beverage Industry  在食品及饮料工业中的应用

    Activated carbon products and services have been used many years for the food and beverage industry. A variety of activated carbon products are available to purify water containing trihalomethanes (THMs), color, chlorine/chloramine, and synthetic organic compounds (SOCs) such as herbicides and pesticides. Activated carbon is also used for sugar and syrup de-colorization.


3.4.2  Sugar Purification食糖提纯

    Juice purification, corn syrup deashing, beat sugar purification and sweetener decolorization are practiced daily in many Ion Exchange Separations and Activated Carbon Adsorption installations. The chromatographic systems and the activated carbon adsorption systems can continuous separate sorbitol, mannitol, sucralose, fructose and xylose.

    Sugar recovery from molasses and betaine recovery are standard applications with the chromatographic systems and the activated carbon adsorption systems. Sucrose sugars are treated with specialty activated carbons to decolorize and purify.



3.6  Semiconductor Industry  半导体工业

    Granular activated carbon is one of the key technologies used to produce high purity water in three segments of the semiconductor industry - IC Water/DRAM, TFT/LCD, and PCB (printer circuit bank).

    The UV Oxidation systems are used to destroy organics and other TOCs. The activated carbon solvent recovery or VOC abatement systems are used to process crystal preparation, water fabrication and printed circuit boards. Engineered Solutions for point source emissions control are also available.







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