que sera sera该怎样就怎样doris day桃丽思戴_100度太阳_百度空间

when i was just a little girl当我还是个小女孩
I asked my mother what will I be? 我问妈妈我会成为什么?
Will I be pretty? Will I be rich? 我会变漂亮吗?我会富有吗?

Here's what she said to me她这样告诉我

Que sera, sera 该怎样就怎样

Whatever will be, will be不管成为什么,顺其自然就好

The future's not ours to see 未来不是我们所能预见

When I grew up and fell in love当我长大坠入爱河

I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead? 我问我的亲爱有什么隐藏在后面?

Will we have rainbows day after day? 我们会不会日日见彩虹?

Here's what my sweetheart said 我的亲爱告诉我

Now I have children of my own 现在我有了自己的孩子

They ask their mother what will I be? 他们问我妈妈我会成为什么?

Will I be handsome? Will I be rich? 会不会变帅?会不会富有?

I tell them tenderly 我温柔地告诉他们




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