» are metrosexuals are bisexuals? it's me: just me..

metrosexual is? word that evolved recently. metro means “urban” and sexual refers to the gender specifically to males. therefore, metrosexuals are urbanized men. on the other hand, bisexuals are either man or woman who’s affair can be either of the same gender or of the opposite gender.

many men considered themselves that they are metrosexuals. metrosexuals are known for their vanity. their being obssessed with themselves. they always like to be presentable at all times. they are like to be clean at all time. they hate dirt. they have the tendencies to be narcistic to themselves. they usuall have at least a vanity kit. among the popular things you can find are: lip balm, wet wipes, tissue paper, toothpaste and toothbrush, lotion and others.

metrosexuals also are highly fashionable. unlike with a typical guy, they doesnt settle only for the comfy. they see to it that their shirt compliment with each other. from their jeans, bags and other accessories. they see to it that colors are well-complimented.

they are also known for “shower rituals.” usually it take long hours when they finished they bath. they used so many cosmetic products for their skin, face and hair. some thought they acting like girls but they are not gays.

bisexuals, like i stated, they are sexually non-preferential person. being bisexual man, they said, is just a step closer of being a gay. but then, they also into femmes. as being observed, if you’re a metrosexual you may be considered as bisexuals because being bisexuals is like being a metrosexuals. bisexuals are usually obssessed with what they look. they are?too are obssessed to fashion. atmost, you can spot them starring at you. they keep on starring at you. you could also notice sometimes that their collar is stand erected.

how bout you? whta do you think? is metrosexual is bisexuality?

keep blogging!!!


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