哪些反优质的防盗门? « Live in China 混在中国



在证书看:防盗门应该有一个相关的测试认证,产品质量应当符合国家标准GB -17565-1998“防盗安全门通用技术条件技术要求”。根据标准防盗门安全级别可分为A -,B和C级,其中C级安全








Which anti-theft doors of good quality?

what kind of security doors and good quality?

I can give you the first statement, I do not care. I have installed anti-theft door is Pan-pan, the quality really good basic no-show failure, service okay. to buy a bar attached it to work and to rest assured.

a look at certificate: security doors should have a relevant testing certification and product quality should meet the national standard GB -17565-1998 “anti-theft security door general technical conditions” of the technical requirements. According to the standard anti-theft door security level can be divided into A-, B-and C-class, in which C-level security of

to the highest, B-class second, A-level minimum, we have seen in the building materials market, most of them is the A-level anti-theft doors, generally suitable for general home use.

two to see quality: a qualified anti-theft security door frames should be 2mm thick steel plate above the door thickness 20mm or more generally, the door body weight of 40kg or more generally. Removing cat, bell box or lock handle so you can see, the door body of the plate thickness of 1.0mm should be over within a few roots to strengthen steel, so that front and rear door panels are organically connected door is best to have asbestos a fire, thermal insulation, sound insulation material as a function of filler, hand percussion door issue “pound,” beep.

see three locks: Check whether to adopt the test by the public security department of qualified special anti-theft lock, should be in the lock at more than 3.0mm thick steel plate for protection.

look at four services: install anti-theft door to check keys, insurance policies, invoices, and after-sales service such as spare parts and information with a single security door manufacturer to provide parts and information, etc. are the same.

Note: Adapted from “Family Wikipedia reported that” for reference.

Hunters boards and sound cards are good groups.

Hunters U.S. heart doors are good, but Hunters prices higher than the Maxim’s door, I think that Maxim’s door a good price04-11-16

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