问问« BABY宝宝百科






ten months of my baby, and a recent stool `a very dry when the hard stool baby, how to do? I will never dare to give him milk to drink the milk `I quit drinking after his sheep milk is` do not drink milk now which nutrition would have on it?

Massage: refers to the right hand four feet close together and hit the child by the umbilical推揉massage gently clockwise. This will not only help defecation and help digestion.
If a child is eating too little residue remaining after digestion and less, less natural stool. Less than the volume of milk sugar, can be dry stool. Such as long-term diet, then the formation of malnutrition, lack of abdominal and intestinal muscles can not solution of the stool, constipation may be intractable. The nature of feces and food components, and if多量protein foods and the lack of carbohydrates (sugar and starch), then the number of constipated and defecation; and if the food contains more carbohydrates, the increase in the number of defecation and stool soft thin ; if food containing high fat and carbohydrate, while stool lubrication. The lack of waste in some fine food, after eating easily lead to constipation. Some children have not the law of life, there is no solution on time and stool habit, so that the conditioned reflex defecation difficult to develop, leading to intestinal muscle weakness caused by constipation relaxation. In addition, persons suffering from certain diseases such as malnutrition, rickets, etc., will enable the bowel dysfunction, muscle weakness or paralysis, but also may present with constipation symptoms.
infants and young children in general 1-2 times daily bowel movement, then the soft quality, if not understand stool 2-3 days, while others in good condition, there may be constipation in general. However, if there is abdominal distension, abdominal pain, vomiting, etc., it can not be considered to be the general constipation, should be sent to the hospital for an examination. One day a child is a normal stool, but some solutions in children 2-3 days a stool, and stool volume is soft, it is normal. Occurrence of constipation in children, the solution of the stool dry and hard, dry fecal hard to stimulate the anal pain and discomfort, so that children fear天长日久Solution stool and defecation did not dare force. This stool in the intestines so that more dry, more serious symptoms of constipation.
human milk-fed infants constipation infants less than artificial feeding. If there is constipation, can be fed breast milk in the same time, add orange juice, sugar or honey. Milk-fed infants constipation, reduce it to the total amount of milk, sugar in the milk to increase volume to 8% -10%, you can add orange juice, pineapple juice, jujube juice or cabbage water to stimulate peristalsis.
diet - sweet potato porridge
rich sweet potato nutrition and health care have a certain value暖胃Huoxue blood, the “golden potato Chuanxi recorded” sweet potato can be recorded in governance “under the blood dysentery, blood alcohol product, heat jaundice, emission turbid water, blood heat by the chaos, infant rickets plot. “sweet potato containing carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin A, vitamin C more than the protein content of rice, wheat flour for more. So sweet potato is to eat food and medicine. Constipation in children can eat several times a turn for the better.
1, raw:
fresh sweet potato 250 grams, 60 grams of rice, sugar amount.
2, the production of:
to sweet potato (yellow to red heart for good) to clean, even cut into small pieces, add water and rice with boiled稀粥, porridge into question when, by adding appropriate amount of sugar, then boil twice a fait accompli. Red can be peeled sweet potato baby food under the pot.
3, characterized by:
sweet potato, sugar sweet, sweet porridge, delicious, good digestion

Is lit and it is estimated. I know lamb is
heat, and people eat more milk at the fire, and now the two together it would not be lit. Cool things to eat and try to fire solution solution, of course, is no乱吃, let alone children. Prudent to consult the Chinese medicine point of conditioning yourself.

I have not been to the baby milk powder吃羊. My house to eat your baby from birth Mead Johnson’s milk powder, with the United States and glucose Bein eaten with milk and eat very good, also a normal stool. Eat baby formula, we must remember drink plenty of water to live. so it would be lit.

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