脖子上有颈纹怎么办» 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网

脖子上有颈纹怎么办 每天照镜子,你是否发现自己的脖子上悄悄的添上了几条细纹,这就是颈纹。不想让这颈纹透露你的年龄,从今天起一起练习以下的美颈体操吧,让你肌肤瞬间变紧实哦。













how to do Neck and neck pattern

Day in the mirror, do you find yourself neck quietly added a few fine lines, this is the neck profile. This pattern did not want to reveal your age neck from today following the US-neck with the practice gym, and let your skin become tight real-oh moment.

Step 1: The back of the neck, after the full forward flexion, forward to reach the chest, back and neck when they make deep flexion, as far as possible reached the head and parallel to the ground.

Step 2: turn to the right and left neck rotation, making it the side muscles are stretched fully.

Step 3: draw circle led by the head neck, turn right end, turn left again.

Step 4: Using your hands inside the belly part of the turn of the palm and finger light pull from the collarbone up to his chin, this movement began to move his hands from the neck side to the other side, repeat to do 6 to 8 times.

In addition to massage neck pattern

Night using face cream or massage cream massage for the neck so focused, so that keeps the neck of the compact with smooth skin.

Step one: get your hands the size of a dollar coin Shaping or massage cream by gently pushing down to the ears Department.

Step two: head slightly elevated, with a finger pushed up by the collarbone, left and right of all to do 10 times.

Step three: focus on pushing with the thumb and index finger, neck profile, avoid too much force when pushing up and do 15 times.

Step four: the index finger and middle finger with both hands placed on the location of the lymph under the cheek bones, about 1 minute push, promote lymph circulation, play the role of detoxification.

Neck pattern caused by many factors, in addition to genetic or lax skin aging is inevitable, and the other major cause of the acquired form, such as: lying down watching TV, slept a high pillow, work or day to bow their heads to indulge in some posture problems, and so on … factors that may cause, coupled with timely maintenance has not let the lines have been formed worsening propose that we normally I would not care, neck, do not wait until the beginning of the upper neck profile maintenance.



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