宝宝铅超标锌低该怎么办呢« BABY宝宝百科

































babies 5 months to investigate the trace elements, lead to the reference range 0-100, baby just 100, and zinc did not reach the reference range do not.

baby is exclusive breastfeeding, and what measures need to take it?

Investigation of trace elements in many ways, only the results of pumping blood test more accurate, do not know whether you use this method? If the baby is breast-feeding mother usually do not eat egg and small things like food, give your baby to eat Kiwi, kelp, red dates, do not take lead. zinc to low zinc baby food can be medicine. I pumped his ears when a six-month blood tests also said that the trace elements lead, but in nine draw on when the normal blood tests again, so you do not need to worry about you ~ ~ ~

1, to lead poisoning prevention, treatment, supplemented by
due to absorption of lead from the difficult, so focus on the prevention of lead hazard reduction. The CDC recommends that all白雪涛researcher:

to develop good hygiene practices, particularly infants and young children to develop a non-sucking fingers, not to foreign body and mouth wash hands before eating habits;

should pay attention to daily cleaning and indoors, so the timely removal and reduce contact with the dust - the physical, chemical and biological pollution of pollution is different from the damage caused by the former strength and contact time is directly proportional to, which in a certain range within the immunity would increase rather than reduce the intensity of its damage;

as much as possible to ensure that children’s toys do not lead, if possible, the application of weak acid to clean the toy;

infants and young children not to bring more in the car from playing near the road and stay a long time;
Room decoration
selection of lead-free materials and coatings;

in the diet nutritionally adequate attention should be paid to a comprehensive, can eat rich in calcium, iron, zinc food in order to reduce lead absorption, the prevention of anemia;

If it is found that higher blood lead concentration exceeded (such as children’s blood lead content of 250mg / l and above), should go to regular hospital doctors to drive whether or not to lead the consultation and treatment.

2, caused by zinc deficiency is a relevant factor:

1, twins, premature and malnourished infants prone to zinc deficiency.

2, artificial feeding infants prone to zinc deficiency.

3, children with a particular kind of food, being choosy food, diet, eat snacks, such as prone to zinc deficiency.

4, to rely solely on the use of intravenous rehydration or metal chelating agents (such as penicillamine>can be caused by acute zinc deficiency.


1, oral zinc sulfate ,2-3 months for a course of treatment.

2, a simple intravenous rehydration zinc should be added.

3, the elimination of a variety of reasons caused by zinc deficiency.

preventive measures:

1, the volume of colostrum into mature milk zinc 6-7 times, it should be opened as early as milk.

2, to prevent the partial eclipse of the moon, being choosy food, snacks and other bad habits too much.

3, added a variety of foods rich in zinc, zinc mainly in animal foods, plant food and fruit in the content is extremely low. Such as lean meat, liver, fish, egg and so on.

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for the children not being choosy food, such as the deployment of a more balanced meal, then every day from adequate dietary intake of zinc. Research confirmed that the zinc in food of animal than plant food high in zinc several times, and high bioavailability. Refined food products during processing would lose a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals, including zinc. Zinc deficiency of children in our country’s urban population is mainly due to excessive consumption of refined foods, rural consumption of animal foods is too small.

adjustment depends mainly on the prevention of dietary zinc deficiency. Zinc in breast milk than the milk of the biological effectiveness of high and, therefore, a strong proponent of breast-feeding is a good way to prevent zinc deficiency. Such as lack of breast milk can be fed a number of zinc-containing dairy products. Simple to use soy protein instead of milk to feed babies, it is easy to cause zinc deficiency.

for growth and development of children, should be to increase the meat, do not eclipse. Zinc in the liver in general, lean meat, pig kidneys were collected, eggs, and milk more carp. In addition, peanuts, walnuts, chestnuts and other nuts are also high in zinc content. Therefore, in order to eat less to the children repeated processing, the food is too refined. According to Chinese medical research to prevent, 2-6-year-old children daily in the diet on the basis of 2.5 mg zinc supplement is enough to prevent zinc deficiency. For children diagnosed with zinc deficiency, zinc 5 mg daily supplement that is therapeutic.

normal circumstances, a day with food to enter the human body is about 10-20 mg of zinc, but only 2-3 mg absorbed into the human body. China’s daily dietary intake of trace elements, adolescents and young men and women is 15 mg, if the normal diet, the zinc deficiency is generally not.

if the effect of food supplementation was not significant, it should be under the guidance of a doctor’s agent for the treatment of zinc, oral zinc gluconate and zinc sulfate can be achieved certain effects.

high lead
prevention: 1. To develop good hygiene practices, particularly infants and young children to develop a non-sucking fingers, not to foreign body and mouth wash hands before eating habits. Infants and young children playing in the hands of a large number of sticky dust, and dust high in lead content. Other family members should also establish good health habits. Such as: use of wet cleaning to keep the indoor health, child care living environment (air, game sites, desktop and on the ground) of clean, dust to reduce the amount of food to cover at any time, in order to avoid falling into the dust. In addition, such as family members engaged in the work of exposure to lead, not to the workplace in the clothing to take home. 2, avoid eating food with high lead content.

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