小四轮气制动阀失灵的处理- 中国隔膜阀网- 博客大巴
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    译文: 小四轮拖拉机的气制动阀挺杆是由塑料制成的,其外径、长度往往易受热胀冷缩的影响而改变,导致气制动阀失灵。 当挺杆外径变大时,就会在气制动阀壳体内产生卡滞故障,使阀体合件打不开、不进气、不放气,或在开启位置不回位,不充气、无气压;当挺杆长度变短时,使阀体合件打渔开、不进气、不放气。 当挺杆外径变大、长度变长时,可用细砂纸轻轻打磨后装复拉动试验,直至符合要求为止;当挺杆变短时,在挺杆头与阀体合件之间选垫厚度1mm~2mm、外径为φ18mm左右的普通平垫片1~2个即可。当然,根本上解决问题还是要提高挺杆的材质和尺寸xx度。 “ A small four-wheel air brake failure treatment ”是由中国隔膜阀网提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜阀网还提供相关产品搜索:隔膜闸阀型号、隔膜阀价格、隔膜阀技术、隔膜阀新闻、隔膜阀生产商等。 原文: A small four-wheel tractor air BALANCING VALVES brake valve tappet is made of plastic, and its diameter and length are often vulnerable to the effects of thermal expansion and contraction changes, resulting in air brake failure. When the tappet diameter become large, will be generated within the shell at the air brake trouble catching,API CAST STEEL VALVES so that together body parts not open, not into the air, and hold air, or in the open position not go back to bits, do not charge gas, no pressure; when the jib length of the variable short-term, so that together pieces of fishing valve to open, not into the air, and hold air. When the tappet diameter larger and longer length of time you can use fine sandpaper lightly re-polished after-loading pull test, until it meets the required date; when the tappet becomeFORGED STEEL VALVES short, in the tappet head and body together pieces of the election between the pad thickness of 1mm ~ 2mm, diameter φ18mm normal level of about 1 ~ 2 can be gasket. Of course, the fundamental solution to the problem or to improve the tappet of the material and size accuracy. 原文来源:http://www.1gemofa.com/

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