

2010-02-11 05:44:52 阅读891 评论0 字号:





柯若钠工作室 陆裕清 TEL:(86)138 6267 1367 邮箱: ;

中国 江苏 苏州 昆山 周市镇 新镇 东方路 148号


As the market for packaging have become increasingly demanding the appearance of a personalized, screen printing in the field of plastic bottles are widely used.

Question: I used the Wahaha waste (AD calcium bottle waste) blowing, using pneumatic curved screen printing machine printing, if you want that it does not fade, be sure to use flame processors do, there is no other way?

Answer: no need to flame treatment methods, flame treatment methods of insecurity, the cost is relatively large, efficiency is relatively low, access to electricity, corona treatment or plasma processor to handle, the effect is good, high efficiency, clean energy. In addition, depends on what exactly is your bottle material, and using what ink.

General PP / PE plastic bottle screen printing is best to use before the flame surface treatment, so that its surface tension increase can enhance ink adhesion; look at treatment effect, can be processed into the water bottle to deal with good local attachment of water is very smooth, the place is not smooth and untreated water droplets, according to this principle, adjust the best handling operations.

If the sodium studio Lu Yu Qing Ke TEL: (86 )138 6267 1367 E-mail: coronaly@163.com; coronaly@hotmail.com

Week, Kunshan, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China Town New Town, No. 148 Dongfang Road,

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