azure's cafe 综合英语{dy}册Unit 7参考答案
Unit 7

Focus 1: Language Skills
Section 1: Model Passage Reading (The Brick)
Section 2: Listening and Speaking
Focus 2: Language Use
Section 1: Practical Reading (The Future of the Cities)
Section 2: Practical Writing
Focus 3: Grammar Review


Focus 1: Language Skills
Section 1: Model Passage Reading (The Brick)

Ⅰ Understanding and Getting Familiar with the Text:
(1) It took place about ten years ago.
(2) Josh was a young and very successful executive.
(3) In a Chicago neighborhood lane.
(4) It was a shiny, black, 12-cylinder Jaguar XKE, which was only two months old.
(5) Yes, he was watching for kids jumping out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.
(6) No, no child dashed out at his car passed.
(7) A brick sailed out and smashed into the Jag’s shiny black side door.
(8) He stopped his car and put the car in reverse as fast as he could and drove his car back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown.
(9) A kid did it.
(10) He caught the kid and pushed him uo against a parked car and shouted at him.
(11) He needed someone else to help his brother, but no one else would stop.
(12) The wheelchair sild off the side of the road and the kid’s brother fell out.
(13) He expected Josh to help him get his brother back into his wheelchair.
(14) Because his brother was hurt and was too heavy for the kid.
(15) Yes, he was moved beyond words. He lifted the kid’s brother back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the cuts.
(16) Because he wanted the mark to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone had to throw a brick at him to get his attention.

Ⅱ Finding Topic-related Words in the Text:
1. shiny(shinny), black, 12-cylinder, Jaguar XKE, parked cars, side door, put the car in reverse, shining
2. travel down, go (a bit too fast), jump out from, slow down, dash out, sail out, smash into, stop, drive … back, jump out of, push … up against, slide off, fall out, lift up, get … back, take out, wipe, wipe, check, push down, pass, fall down, catch, point around, swallow

Ⅲ Using the Right Word:
1. executes
2. were spotted
3. steamed
4. swallowed
5. rapid
6. was wiped
7. reminds/reminded
8. attentive
9. slid
10. apologize

Ⅳ Specail Difficulties:
(1) kidding; kids
(2) spot; spotted
(3) steamed; Steam
(4) swallows; swallow
(5) reversed; reverse
(1) when
(2) when
(3) while
(4) When
(5) When
(6) As
(7) As
(8) as
(9) when
(10) When

Ⅴ Focusing on the Sentence Structure:
(1) Hearing the news, he jumped with joy.
(2) Given much time, we could do it better.
(3) Greatly moved by the film, they all cried.
(4) Arriving there, they found the boy dead.
(1) Would you please give me a piece of paper while I am waiting by the door?
(2) Would you like to go to the party with me this afternoon as you have finished your homework?
(3) Would you mind turning off the light when you leave the room?

Ⅶ Translation:
(1) 她母亲给了她一袋铁钉,告诉她每次发脾气时就在栅栏背面钉一颗铁钉。
(2) 他在给史密斯一家的信中写到:“我为语音留言造成的混乱表示道歉。”
(3) 因为钥匙丢了,我们只得把门砸开。
(4) 被征用土地的农民应该得到适当的补偿,以保持他们的生活质量。
(5) 请提醒我明天寄这封信。
(1) She tried to get the audience’s attention.
(2) Her mental/inner pain was beyond words.
(3) To achieve this goal, you must exert yourself as much as possible.
(4) I must clear my throat before I begin my speech.
(5) He’s amazingly cheerful considering all he’s gone through.

Section 2: Listening and Speaking
(1) all
(2) brick
(3) throw
(4) slid
(5) fell
(6) lift
(7) attention
(8) hurt
(9) heavy
(10) Everything
(1) A forest.
(2) They had a quarrel and one hit the other in the face.
(3) Today my best friend hit me in the face.
(4) He saved the other.
(5) Today my best friend saved my life.
(6) Because the friend said, “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in the sand and winds can erase it away easily. But, when someone does something good for us, we must carve it on the stone and no wind can erase it away.”

Focus 2: Language Use
Section 1: Practical Reading (The Future of the Cities)

1. D
Using the Topic-related Terms:
(1) cars
(2) problems
(3) pollution
(4) In
(5) Addition
(6) huge
(7) solution
(8) design
(9) transportation
(10) restrain

Section 2: Practical Writing
(1) looking for a lost wallet
(2) on the way to school
(3) Wang Li at No.11 Middle School or call him/her at 6697450
3. Writing
Reference Answer:
A Wrist Watch Lost
In the washroom, on Sept.2, a wrist watch was lost. Would the finder please return it to the owner, Wang Feng, Room 8, Dormitory 2? Thank you!
Telephone: 669741
Wang Feng

Focus 3: Grammar Review
Multiple Choices:
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