Glass bottle packaging to improve quality and taste to explore ...

All along, the glass on high-end cosmetics glass packaging has been widely used. Packaged in a glass of beauty products embody the quality of their products, glass and more weight, feeling more luxury products - and perhaps this is the view of consumers, but also did nothing wrong. According to the Washington Glass Packaging Association (GPI), the number of products in their use of organic or fine ingredients company is to use glass packaging their products. According to GPI introduced, because glass is inert and difficult to infiltrate, which was packed into the formula we can be assured that its ingredients can be maintained intact and maintaining product integrity. Washington Glass Packaging Institute (GPI) of the relevant person in charge explained that the glass continue to convey a high-quality, pure and products to protect the message - that of cosmetics and skincare manufacturers are the three key elements. And after a decorative glass will further enhance the “product is the high-end” this impression.

brand of cosmetics counters the effect of product shapes and colors to create express, because they are the first consumers to see first of all, the main factors. Moreover, as a result of glass packaging products that feature a unique shape and vibrant colors, packaged as a quiet advertiser to play a role.

product manufacturers are constantly trying to find a special shape, so that their products can stand out from the competition. In addition, multi-functional glass and eye-catching decoration technology, consumers will always be on hand to touch or hold the glass packaging in the cosmetics and skincare. Once the product in their hands the opportunity to purchase this product immediately increased.

how can we do that?

manufacturers in such a decorative glass container behind the efforts made by the end consumer is often taken for granted. A perfume bottle is pretty, of course, but what does it become so attractive? There are various methods, decoration suppliers BeautyPackaging on the countless ways that can do it.

U.S. AQL New Jersey has been launched using the latest UV-curable ink (UVinks) screen printing, mobile printing and PS glass packaging labels. Related to the company’s marketing person in charge said that they usually offer a suite of services to create a unique appearance of the packaging. Against the glass to avoid the UV-curable ink high temperature annealing and provided the necessary almost no restrictions on the scope of the color. Annealing is a heat treatment system, with essentially a mobile conveyor belt through the center of the oven, and the central position in the decorative glass was used for curing ink drying. On ceramic ink, the temperature needs of up to about 1,400 degrees, and organic inks will offer 350 degrees. This type of glass annealing furnace often about 6 feet wide, and at least 60 feet long and consume a large amount of energy (gas or electric). The latest UV-curable ink to the use of ultraviolet-curable; and this production line in the final in the printing machine or a small oven completed. Since only a few seconds of exposure time, so only need much less energy.

France in Saint-GobainDesjonqueres decorative glass to provide the latest technology. Of which involve the enamel glass material to the laser glass decoration. The bottle was sprayed on the enamel, the laser on the selected design to the fusion of this material to the glass. Superfluous enamel was清洗掉. An important advantage of this technology is that it allows packaging bottles so far can not be dealt with in part also be decorative, for instance, raised and recessed the location and lines. It also allows to outline the shape of the complex to become possible, and provide a wide variety of color and texture.

paint (Lacquering), including spraying on a layer of varnish. After this treatment, glass bottles on a whole or in part (the use of shade) were sprayed on. And then they dry annealing furnace. Painting provides a wide range of end-finishing (finish) options, including transparent, matte and opaque, shiny, matte, and colorful, fluorescence and phosphorescence, and metal-based, interference the (interferential), pearl and metal ray and so on.

other decorative new choice also includes spiral angle with Harmonia (helicone) or pearl (luster) the effect of the new ink, with skin like a touch of the new surface, with a holographic or flash a new painting, the glass to glass fusion, as well as showing a blue color of the new thermo-optic (thermolustercolor).

U.S. HeinzGlas relevant person in charge, the company can provide screen printing (organic and ceramic), used perfume bottles to add the name and logo. Pad suitable for uneven or multiple radius of the surface. Acid treatment (Acidetching) in an acid bath of Frosted glass bottles generated effects, and the organic spray painted in glass bottles on one or more colors. In organic or organic spray after printing (because of the high curing temperature ceramics, ceramic ink in organic processed can not be painted), hot stamping process in glass bottles on the plated with specular reflection as a name or logo. Blasting (Sandblasting) of glass to provide a matte effect part of the name or image. Aluminum and titanium metal plating glass vacuum bottles outside in whole or in part to produce a similar effect of specular reflection. Victoria’sSecret recently on the use of the company’s Ti process, for the eau de toilette spray VerySexyNOW produce a flickering effect of gold.

Some experts also believe that the current glass decoration of the most popular trend is still organic spray (organicspray). For example, Elizabeth. BritneySpearsFantasy Arden perfume bottles on the metal like a shiny purple color on the use of the spraying process to obtain. The industry believes that the majority of customers are still using frosted glass bottles, glass because it can hide out defects.(Date:2008-12-22)












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