如何自制美白保湿面膜» 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网



如果想要皮肤好的话,最主要的就是皮肤有光泽而富有弹性了,当然这首要的条件是皮肤必需有水份,平时除了多喝水之外,还需要做面膜。若长期待在冷气房中,或在冬季和干燥的气候,皮肤易流失水分而干燥,则小细纹会渐渐向你报到,所以建议每星期至少为脸部加强保湿1-2次。 今天小编给大家分享3种简单易做的自制美白保湿面膜。






How to make Whitening and moisture Mask

If you want the skin is good, the most important thing is the skin shiny and elastic, and of course, first and foremost condition is that the skin must have water, usually in addition drink plenty of water, the moisturizing mask replenishment is needed. If the long-term stay in air-conditioned room, or in the winter and dry climate, the loss of moisture and dry the skin easily, then the fine lines will gradually give you a small report, it is proposed that at least a week to enhance moisturizing face 1-2 times. Xiao Bian today to share with three kinds of simple and easy to do homemade moisturizing whitening mask.

Honey Banana Mask
Will be half a banana melt pressed into a paste, add a spoonful of honey and mix thoroughly, will transfer a good 15-20 minutes to apply to the face mask on it. I used every two weeks, feels like a very good results, but also to ease the role of the skin Oh, deposited when it comes to the lips is also deposited some, it is convenient, prices are low.

Grape Milk Mask
Will be three red grape crush, add milk (preferably skim milk, oh) There are a few drops of glycerin, mix thoroughly soaked paper will be followed by mask, and finally soaked paper deposited at the surface of the mask 15-20 minutes OK.

Tofu a small mask
When cooking, if the tofu with the remaining small, try to make mask. Tofu is highly moisturizing and whitening effects, frequent use, a month later you can see the soft white skin changes.
1. To wash your hands will be so regular on the palm.
2. Gently rub tofu, bean curd and then mud deposited on the face, gently massage, 15 to 20 minutes after the wash can be.



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