中国指出农业已成为主要污染危机China points to far_天涯博客_有见识 ...
Zhang Lijun,环保部副部长说,我们必须将阻止和控制来自于农业领域的污染作为环保工作的首要工作。在中国的基层解决水污染问题。
据Zhang称,来自于农业的COD排放量占全国总数的 43.7%。
Sze Pang Cheung, 绿色和平组织负责人说,中国需要加速抑制化肥和农药的过度使用,促进生态农业的建设。
Wang Yanliang,农业部的一个官员说,政府正采取措施来解决这一问题,像将有机废料转化成沼气(一种再生能源)。
China on Tuesday named pollution from farms as a major cause for concern, as the world's
biggest emitter of greenhouse gases released its first nationwide survey on sources of
environmental degradation.
"There were some outstanding problems identified by this national census such as the high
contribution to water pollution by agricultural sources," the State Council, or Cabinet,
said in a statement.
China's rapid industrialisation has led to widespread environmental damage over the last 30
years, with the nation boasting some of the world's worst water and air pollution.
But the report released Tuesday highlighted the specific problems caused by the 800 million
Chinese living in the vast countryside, many of them on farms.
"We must make prevention and control of pollution from agricultural sources our top
priority for environmental protection, to resolve the problem of water pollution in China
at the root," said Zhang Lijun, vice minister for environmental protection.
The census, based on data collected in 2007, found that nearly half of the nation's COD
(chemical oxygen demand) discharge -- one of the key water pollutants in China -- came from
COD is used to indirectly measure the amount of pollution in a water sample. A high COD
reading means the water is short of oxygen and high on pollution, causing the death of
other living organisms.
According to Zhang, COD discharge from agricultural sources accounted for 43.7 percent of
the nationwide total.
China has invested billions of dollars in cleaning up its rivers and lakes. More than 200
million Chinese do not have access to safe drinking water, government data says.
Greenpeace China said the survey showed agricultural pollution had become one of the
nation's "gravest environmental crises."
"China needs to step up the fight against the overuse of fertilisers and pesticides, and
promote ecological agriculture," said campaign director Sze Pang Cheung.
Wang Yanliang, an official at the agriculture ministry, said authorities were implementing
measures to address the issue, such as boosting efforts to transform organic waste into
biogas, a renewable source of energy.
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