
"We are very pleased with the timely close of this acquisition and we welcome Able Delight to the China Valves family," said Mr. Siping Fang, Chairman and CEO of China Valves. "Able Delight's established customer relationships with water treatment facilities and thermal power plants in Hunan province and high-quality manufacturing practices make it a powerful addition to our existing operations. Able Delight's product portfolio consists mainly of high-end valves, and it is the only manufacturer in China with capacity to produce large butterfly valves with a maximum diameter of 5.5 meters, which help us move up the value curve." China Valves Technology, Inc. through its subsidiaries, Zhengzhou Zhengdie Valve Co, Ltd., Henan Kaifeng High Pressure Valve Co., Ltd., Tai Zhou Tai De Valve Co., Ltd., Yangzhou Rock Valve Lock Technology Co., Ltd., and Able Delight (Changsha) Valve Co., Ltd., is engaged in development, manufacture and sale of high-quality metal valves for the electricity, petroleum, chemical, water, gas and metallurgy industries. The Company has one of the best known brand names in China's valve industry, and its history can be traced back to 1959 when it was formed as a state-owned enterprise. The Company develops valve products by extensive research and development and owns a number of patents. It enjoys significant domestic market shares and exports to Asia and Europe. For more information, visit This press release was developed by China Valves, and is intended solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the Company's stock. This press release is based upon information available to the public, as well as other information from sources which management believes to be reliable, but it is not guaranteed by China Valves to be accurate, nor does China Valves purport it to be complete. Opinions expressed herein are those of management as of the date of publication and are subject to change without notice.
原文来自:China Valves Technology, Inc. Completes the Acquisition of Able Delight (Changsha) Valve Co., Ltd.

NEW JERSEY DAILY BRIEFING;Valve Caused Pipes to Burst;是由 提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海赛泰泵阀有限公司还生产 及DFD 液气电磁阀,通用电磁阀,200P减压阀,J43W/H法兰针型阀,消防电磁阀,欢迎您的选购。)

开封,中国,2月8日/美通社-亚通/ - 中国阀门技术公司(Nasdaq:正时)(“中国阀门”或“公司”)是一家{lx1}的金属阀门制造商与行动在人民共和国在中国(即“中华人民共和国”)今天宣布,在2010年2月3日,该公司已完成的交易,收购100%埃布尔乐无穷(长沙)阀门有限公司,资产所有权(“能喜悦”),一家阀门生产企业在供水,供电行业的专业生产阀门。为收购代价约为15美元的现金,该公司将全面支付2月底万。由于此次收购完成后,埃布尔喜悦成为中国阀门的全资子公司。 中国阀门将有效整合为2010年2月的财务业绩埃布尔喜悦的业务。对于2010财年,公司预计埃布尔喜悦贡献约140万人民币(2050万美元的收入)和34万人民币(500万美元,净收入)。可喜悦期望提供其在大约90万人民币(1,320万美元),价值2010年底目前积压的订单。 “我们很高兴看到本次收购及时关闭,我们欢迎埃布尔姿采中国阀门家庭,先生说:”四平方,董事长兼首席执行官中国阀门。 “能喜悦成立,与污水处理设施和在湖南和高品质的生产质量管理规范火电厂的客户关系,使它成为一个强大的除了我们的。埃布尔喜悦的产品组合主要包括xx阀门现有业务,而且是{wy}的生产厂家,生产能力为5.5米,帮助我们走高增值曲线的{zd0}直径大的蝶阀。在中国上所列的任何陈述不属于历史事实的设置均为前瞻性陈述,包含风险和不确定性可能导致实际结果与该前瞻性陈述的情况大不相同。这些因素包括但不限于公司能否开发和销售新产品,预期收益和埃布尔喜悦,有能力收购其他公司,从销售预期的水平变化纯收入的贡献,在国家或区域的变化经济和竞争条件,在与客户的关系,在主要产品的利润和不时与美国证券交易委员会和其他监管机构的公司的报告中详述的其他因素的变化。该公司没有义务更新或修改向公众任何前瞻性陈述,无论是由于新信息,未来事件或其他情况。本新闻稿是由中国阀门,并仅供参考用途,而且a不应被视为要约或购买要约或出售公司的股票邀约解释。本新闻稿是根据信息提供给公众,以及其他信息来源的管理层认为是可靠的,但它不是由中国阀门保证是准确的,也不中国阀门声称它是完整的。这里所表达的意见是管理那些作为公布之日起,如有变更,恕不另行通知。



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