


The glitch appeared the Tuesday evening, as technicians filled the shuttle's external tank with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. The valve in question governs filling and draining of the tank holding liquid hydrogen. It's role is critical enough to require a scrub if it appears to be malfunctioning.
The valve problem cropped up as technicians were moving into the final stages of filling the shuttle's external tank. The valve was supposed to close, but engineers received no direct confirmation that it had shut from sensors designed to alert them to the valve's status.
During Tuesday evening's fill up, the launch team received other, less direct, evidence that the valve had shut, says Mike Moses, who heads the prelaunch mission management team. That suggested that the problem involved the sensors and not the valve itself.
Depending on the diagnosis engineers develop, Discovery could launch at 12:22 a.m. Eastern time Friday, with a second attempt possible some 23 hours later. Weather forecasters are now watching tropical storm Danny to see if it could lead to weather-related delays. If those two opportunities are scrubbed, NASA can launch Aug. 30. After that, other launch schedules for Cape Canaveral as well as Russian and Japanese cargo traffic around the space station would push
a launch to mid-October.
Moreover, if the sensors are the problem, managers could still scratch the launch this weekend if they are too uncomfortable with the prospect of relying on indirect evidence that the valve is behaving properly. The mission management team could opt to stand down for repairs.

原文来自:  http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2009/0826/p02s05-usgn.html

Fuel valve busted? Shuttle can't leave until NASA knows..;是由 提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海日美阀门制造有限公司还生产




实际上有两种管道沿线的这些阀门导致的氢气罐 - 1了其他阀门背。如果不关闭在填补结束,第二个将保留坦克封闭。
如果出现问题的一个阀门无法打开了。飞行控制有时需要排急于 - 例如,坦克当他们中止发射。随着阀门打开,坦克可以消耗约两小时。如果没有这些,它可以采取液氢几天的汽化自然。







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