沪江博客- 桃桃的xxxx- 开往春天的火车





I have already been in my warm home for nearly 3 weeks and I don't have to worry about how to get back home in such a crowded move during the Spring Festival.I should admit that I haven't travelled by train since I entered the university.The reason for that is my father thinks that travel by the luxury bus is more convenient and safer than the train.So I always obey his order even it costs me more.
Nowadays,it's becoming freezingly cold in our district and many other parts in the nation.Undoubtfully,the weather adds more difficulties to the return of the people who are working outside.Having worked for a year,they must can't wait to go home and reunion with their family members.However,some of them are held off by some factors--the high cost of returning,the low earnings they got and hardship of buying tickets.We all suppose ourselves having strong abilities and our parents also pin great hopes on us.But not until we get into the society can we really feel the hardship to make a living.When you have struggled for a year outside and only got a little money,how can you confront your parents who are imgining you are making a fortune outside?So some people just make up an excuse,such as they have to work an extra shift so they won't go home in Spring Festival.They may have their reasons,but I think it's the most impious toward their parents if they just use such excuses to cheat them.Money doesn't mean everything.Our parents do expect a lot from us,but sometimes what they want is just a happy and healthy us.So,please get home no matter how difficult it is,since your parents have served the dinner and are waiting for you.
Today I saw a piece of news on the Internet,it said that 100,000 migrant workers from the Pearl River Delta of China have formed into a group to ride motorcycles to go home.(just as the picture has showed)I feel astonished by the miserable situation which the migrant workers are in.This is never a novel idea that want to attract the attention of the public.They just have no alternatives.Does get back to home such a simple thing should be so hard like this?What we have given to the migrant workers is far from that they should have earned.They are all hard-working,honest people,they deserve to have the opportunity to return home smoothly and conviniently.The movie A World Without Thieves has deeply moved us.I think such a world doesn't only exisit in movies,but also in our real society.Never let our migrant workers---our compatriot's eyes filled with tears again,we have the responsibility and ability to make their lives and journey a better one......

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