流瑜伽-【荐】美国Yin阴瑜伽DVD教学碟流瑜伽Vinyasa Yoga、冥想等课程 ...

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{zx1}!【荐】美国Yin阴瑜伽DVD教学碟流瑜伽Vinyasa Yoga、冥想等课程


Yin & Vinyasa Yoga By Sarah Powers



DVD片长:170分钟( 非常超值!)
语言选择:英语发音 (无任何字幕,跟动作就行)












Sarah Powers 教师介绍 : 


Sarah Powers 从 1987 年开始了教授瑜伽。她把瑜伽与佛教的精神内涵与修行方式相融合 , 创造出了一套完整的可强健身心净化精神的瑜伽体系。 Sarah Powers 的瑜伽不光融合了包括通过长时间对体式的保持从而提高脏腑器官活力的阴瑜伽也包括流瑜伽 , 并且还深受 Vini 瑜伽 , Ashtanga 瑜伽 , 和 Iyengar 瑜伽的教学的影响。 Sarah 认为去提升身体的生命力其实也是去学会打开我们情绪上的结点 , 这也将是个人能否深入了解并提升自我的关键。她现在已把她的研究重点放在了后人本主义心理学 ( 超个人心理学 ) 方面 , 并且她还对佛教的内观 , 密宗与大圆满的有关练习有过深刻的修习。 Sarah 是 Metta Journeys 的合伙人 , Metta Journeys 是一个致力于帮助发展中国家的妇女儿童进行瑜伽静修的国际性组织。她也和她的丈夫 TY 在进行着教师培训与静修的教学。他们现在与女儿生活在 Imani - Jade in Marin, California 。她的著作《 Insight Yoga: Integrating Yin/Yang Yoga and Buddhist Meditation 》即将出版。更多详情请观看她的教学 DVD:Yoga , Yin and Vinyasa and Insight Yoga , 或浏览她的个人网站


Join Sarah in this 2 1/2 hour class at the lovely Deer Run Zendo as she guides us in a well-rounded practice of mindfulness of the body, heart and mind while reminding us of the essential balance between skillful means (action) and wisdom (insight into the nature of all things).


The first half is devoted to the Yin style with detailed descriptions of how and why to practice in this way. The second half is the more active style of moving from pose to pose while maintaining an awareness of our inner (breath and mind states) and outer (form and function) alignment.


Yoga Journal, April 2003


150 min.; VHS or DVD $35


Northern California teacher Sarah Powers is an exponent of Yin Yoga, a technique developed by Paul Grilley (a student of Japanese yogi Hiroshi Motoyama), author of Yin Yoga: Outline of a Quiet Practice (White Cloud Press, 2002). According to Grilley, all yoga practice (and exercise in general) can be divided into two types: active and passive—what he calls yang and yin. Yang Yoga, which emphasizes rhythmic movement and muscular contraction, includes such schools as Ashtanga Yoga and so-called Power Yoga. Yin Yoga, conversely, is practiced passively with soft muscles, holding each asana or asana-based exercise in the sequence for several minutes. Its goal is to stretch the body's deep connective tissues—the ligaments and fascia—to increase joint flexibility and self-awareness. Many of us tend to focus just on the yang practice, but Grilley maintains that yang and yin yogas are complements and that we need to balance elements of both in our daily work.


Powers's two-hour session is divided into two, roughly equal sections. The first covers the yin practice, with a half-dozen passive stretches in Reclining Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana), “Saddle Pose” (similar to reclining Hero), a wide-knee Child's Pose, a cross-leg forward bend, a wide-leg forward bend, and a reclining bent-knee twist. Each symmetrical pose is held for five minutes, each asymmetrical pose for five minutes on each side. The vinyasa—or what Grilley would call the yang practice—follows the yin practice, and consists mostly of a linked sequence of familiar standing poses.


Powers is a remarkable teacher. She has captivating presence and intelligent delivery, with one of the most mesmerizing voices I've ever heard, which intensifies the already meditative quality of the yin practice. She doesn't provide much specific physical instruction during the yin practice; instead, she uses it as a platform to detail the yin philosophy (bolstered by her study of Buddhism and yoga philosophy), which in turn opens up new dimensions of the poses. Of course, there’s nothing really new about holding poses for timed periods; what you get here is a coherent explanation of why you want to do this and what results you might expect from a dedicated practice. Just remember though, you’ll need a long stretch of time and—at least for the yin section—lots of patience to do this session properly. But it’s an interesting approach that deserves our close attention. Recommended for all levels of students.




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