

2010-02-04 12:45:00 阅读4 评论0 字号:

1、最小压力阀组成:最小压力阀由阀体、阀芯、调节螺母、弹簧、密封元件等组成 2、最小压力阀的作用:最小压力阀主要起建立机组内压,促使润滑油循环、满足减荷阀的工作压力等作用,另外最小压力阀也起单向阀的作用,防止机组在卸载运行时储气罐中的压缩空气倒流至空压机。 3、最小压力阀的拆卸:最小压力阀的结构非常简单,拧开阀芯与阀体间的螺母即可取出里面的元件了,小机组的最小压力阀阀芯内置于阀体,其拆开阀体盖即可取出内部所有元件。 4、清洗最小压力阀:按清洗减荷阀的方法清洗最小压力阀。 5、最小压力阀的组装:按拆卸的反步骤组装元件,由于最小压力阀的结构非常简单,组装过程就不一一讲述了,但需注意,如内部有U型圈时,需注意U型圈的方向。

“ Minimum pressure valve (also known as pressure maintenance valves) clean and warranty ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、、 、 等。

1, the minimum pressure valve components: the minimum pressure valve from the valve body, valve core, adjusting nut, spring, sealing components, etc. 2, the minimum pressure valve role: the minimum pressure valve main unit from the establishment of internal pressure, prompting oil circulation, to meet the reduction of work load pressure valve effect, while the minimum pressure valve also played the role of one-way valve to prevent the unit in the unloading operation when the gas tank of compressed air back to the compressor. 3, the minimum pressure valve of the demolition: the minimum pressure valve of the structure is very simple, twist to open and the valve spool between the components inside the nut can be removed, and the small unit built into the minimum pressure valve spool valve and its demolition Open valve cover you can remove all the components inside. 4, cleaning minimum pressure valve: According to the method of cleaning offload valve cleaning minimum pressure valve. 5, the minimum pressure valve assembly: According to the demolition of the anti-step assembly of components, due to the minimum pressure valve structure is very simple, not 11 about the assembly process, but should pay attention to, such as the internal U-orbit, should pay attention to U - circle direction.

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