糖醋鲤鱼怎么办? « Live in China 混在中国


1,路:“糖醋鲤鱼”是山东省,济南市的传统菜肴。济南北临黄河,黄河鲤鱼肥嫩,不仅好吃,而且吉林赤尾,形态可爱,是美食宴会。 “济南的政府记录,”已经产生了“黄河鲤鱼,南阳的螃蟹,并食谱”的纪录。说是“糖醋鲤鱼头7个启动黄河镇-罗镇。与活鲤鱼在这里原来的餐厅,使这个菜很受欢迎的食品,友好的,在当地小有名气,后来蔓延到济南。在法律更完善的,由泛Zhashu,然后在xx的洛口Laocu糖醋汁与甘蔗生产,争取在鱼,味道带酸的味道香脆内外部招标,不久它{dy}次系统成为名菜,其中,济南汇泉楼系统的“糖醋鲤鱼”是最有名的。


2,炒锅倒油,炒,直到热启成,将石油与他们的移动鱼的尾巴,其刀口处立即打开。然后尝试抬高鱼需要使用刀片,以避免沾锅,炒约2分钟)到刀柄与铲鱼Guobian,使鱼背拱下,鱼,炸2分钟; Zaifan来鱼腹下,炸2分钟,然后用鱼铲刀在头部中石油平南联盟2分钟,超过8分钟。是油炸至金黄色,所有的鱼时,考虑的托盘内。




鱼回口内削减2 3厘米,将并入盐略右转入咸鱼汁料酒。芡上述成分异常。在有需要时撒上湿淀粉后删除其成热油皮肤变硬,油炸Weihuo浸炸3分钟,然后搅拌至金上出鱼放在盘褐色,与他的手捏松鱼

Sweet and sour carp how to do?

kind of a whole process of how?

1, Lu: “sweet and sour carp” is the traditional dishes of Shandong, Jinan. Jinan bounded by the Yellow River, Yellow River carp fat and tender is not only delicious, but Jinlin Akao, shape cute, is the banquet of delicacies. “Jinan government records,” has already had a “Yellow River carp, Nanyang of the crab, and into the recipe,” the record. Said to be “sweet and sour carp first seven starts of the Yellow River town - Luo Town. The original restaurant with live carp here, making this dish, very popular food-friendly one, at the local minor celebrity, and later spread to Jinan. In the system of law the more perfect, first by the pan Zhashu, and then the famous luokou Laocu sweet and sour sauce made with sugar, pour in the fish, smell the smell of crispy outside tender inside with a tart, and soon it becomes a famous dish, Among them, Jinan Huiquan floor of the system’s “sweet and sour carp” as the most famous.
sweet and sour carp

Material: Yellow River carp 1 (750 grams), vinegar, 100 grams, 175 grams sugar, soy sauce, 10 grams, 3 grams salt, 300 grams of broth, ginger is not, spring onions are not, garlic is not the little, wet starch, 150 grams of oil, peanut oil 1750 grams (about consumption of 150 grams).
practices: one, the carp to the scales, to the gills, to the internal organs, wash. at the fish every 2.5 cm distance, the first after the straight diagonal knife engraved pattern (approximately 1.5 cm deep), and then brought a knife, so that the fish open, will withdraw into the fish in salt slightly salted, and the blade Department and the fish body evenly coated with a layer of wet starch paste.

2, frying pan pour oil, stir till the hot-Qi Cheng, mobile fish tail into the oil with them, their knife-edge Department immediately open. then try to jack up the fish need to use Blade to avoid stick pan, fry about 2 minutes) with shovel fish into the knife handle Guobian, so that the fish was arched their backs, under the fish, deep-frying 2 minutes; Zaifan come to Fish-bellied down, deep-frying 2 minutes; and then the fish flat with a shovel knife to head in the oil within the fry 2 minutes. for more than 8 minutes were deep-fried to golden brown, when all the fish, take out into the tray.

3, wok oil to stay a little, till the Liucheng heat, add onions, ginger, garlic is not, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, broth, and burning wet starch concentration after hook Ying, topped with mature oil little, quickly pan pour in the fish Serve.

characteristics: color, dark red, crispy outside tender inside, smell the smell of sweet and sour.
key: You’ve got to be careful to take the initial wok when the oil temperature to pot higher (till the Bacheng hot or so), but not coupled with high oil temperature after the wok. should be deep fry golden brown, but do not deep-fried Coke. the ratio of vinegar and sugar should be appropriate, its flavor should be sweet with a tart. sweet and sour marinade should be thick but not thick.

2, Shanghai cuisine:
sweet and sour carp
[owned cuisine] Shanghai cuisine
[dishes taste] delicious
[related ingredients] fish
[Features ]
fragrance, fresh, pure taste is famous for very particular about the soup and Naitang modulation, broth-color clear and bright, color white and Naitang alcohol.
Lei 1, soy sauce, salt, MSG, cooking wine, vinegar , sugar, wet starch, the amount of

[production process]
the fish back in the mouth cut two 3 cm, will be thrown into the salt which is slightly salted cooking wine. Euryale ferox the above ingredients right into the juice. where it is needed at Wet sprinkled starch after Qicheng skin deep fry in hot oil hardens, remove Weihuo dipping fried for three minutes, then stir fry until golden brown on the fish out put disk, the fish with his hands
pinch loose. will put Cong Jiangsuan went in after the blow out into the scent of a good Euryale ferox juice, sparkling with the fish when the joshan into the juice, stir quickly poured into the fish can be

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