City Secretary国土房管reception day people queue up overnight ...

yesterday, the city of Pricing,国土房管City Council, City Planning Bureau, City Environmental Protection Bureau, the Urban Construction to carry out five departments liberating Day. The one hand, the Guangzhou Price Bureau liberating day is nearly 4 months of a petition no. The other hand, in order to Canton City国土房管Bureau Advisory complaints, some members of the public one day earlier or even waiting in line overnight liberating.

Pricing liberating 4 months nobody cares about

this month in Guangzhou Price Bureau liberating day is nearly 4 months of liberating the first time an unmanned petition. However, the recent widespread concern about the temporary price-intervention matters, the reporter learned yesterday, the Guangzhou Price Bureau to develop a temporary price intervention measures have been adopted by the municipal government for approval, are submitted to the provincial price office record, the first list of six major industries involved in the 10 more than the wholesale and retail enterprises. In addition, Canton Road, within the parking fees do not rise before.

12358 to solve the problem quickly so no one petition

Yesterday, the newly appointed deputy inspector of Guangzhou Price Bureau is responsible for liberating the first time Ray Jinlian work But wait for a morning, but desolate, not a member of the public to come to higher authorities, liberating phone did not ring too.

Jinlian mine said that this was because the city of Canton Pricing Petition usual channels, 12358 price hotline complaints known, and received complaints from the public and follow-up to deal with immediately. At the same time, pricing information online has a price of report columns, the public can report complaints promptly.

In addition, the price of Office in Guangzhou Price Bureau said that after hearing the way earlier in the standard parking modify adjustment program has been completed and submitted to the municipal government for approval, “but it is estimated that difficult to implement before the Spring Festival . “Jinlian Ray also said that in order to meet the national requirements on price stability, the recent spate of the masses of life to adjust prices of goods and services is certainly not out.

meat food marketing enterprises into temporary price intervention

Guangdong Provincial Price Bureau recently issued temporary price intervention measures, price reporting and price record two measures involved in four major industries of the 18 enterprises. Reporter learned yesterday, the Guangzhou Price Bureau has also developed a temporary price intervention in the list of goods and enterprises, Guangzhou Price Bureau, deputy director of Qiu Yitong disclosed to reporters yesterday, the list will involve six of the 10 industry enterprises.

“list of the city would not exceed the scope of national and provincial,” said Qiu Yitong, municipal price control department to develop the price-intervention measures only the record price, the list contains both the provincial price office listed The instant noodles, edible oil, dairy products three major food industry and liquefied petroleum gas industry will also increase the meat and food industries, the first batch of a total of more than 10 retail and wholesale enterprises “finalists”, does not include production enterprises .

It is understood that the list has been approved by Guangzhou Municipal Government, Guangdong Province, is currently approved price office, if adopted, will implement the recently announced. Qiu Yitong said that enterprises will in order to avoid prior to the implementation of intervention measures in the first price increase, so will not disclose the specific list.

Punishment国土房管Board open the application developer and small landlords separately

yesterday’s国土房管Canton City Secretary reception day, due to the reasons for developers to do property can not be certified to become many people have complained about the hot issues. According to statistics, yesterday to the City Council letters国土房管the masses about 130 people, some people have even one day earlier overnight waiting liberating. Urban housing reform to establish and operate live Wu, deputy director of the new petition to receive a total of 31 cases, including the demolition of housing 6, 9 ownership registration, the management of two real estate market, rental reimbursement by two, three categories of land, housing, protection category 1, other matters 8. Among them, the three collective petitions and nearly 60 others. Wu new cases of the letters assigned to follow up immediately, visitors expressed satisfaction with the masses.

荔港南湾housing planned acceptance

Mr. Xu’s visit reflects the petitioner, can buy their own real estate developer insolvency because planning has not been able to apply for acceptance, have been living in the property but has not been able to apply for certification. City国土房管Bureau explained that the reason is because developers can not apply for planning acceptance and property registration, municipal governments are working on relevant measures and suggestions.

Liwan District荔港南湾buyers and others who Mr. Lu collective petition to reflect the real estate developers to provide false information because of fraud in the planning departments of construction project planning permit, planning departments was withdrawn. After the purchase of communication between man and Planning Bureau, is the real estate developers in particular, non-aerial parts of the housing has been used by qualified acceptance, for which buyers request国土房管City Council特事特办, mapping certification as soon as possible. Wu immediately assigned a new surveying and mapping personnel, registered personnel certification to learn more about the aspirations of the masses, in accordance with the law in accordance with the basis of regulations and developers to coordinate and accelerate the admissibility of Surveying and Mapping.

reporter has learned that “city on the settlement of historical issues permits for a number of real estate advice” (hereinafter referred to as “views”) has passed the city government executive session, will be formally promulgated and implemented. The principles of the solution: The main solution to developers led to real estate owners can not handle the situation permits; in accordance with the “rights and responsibilities” principle, the developer of outstanding taxes and fees, land transfer payments by the Government to recover and retain the punishment according to law the right to not affect the application of small owners.

owners still buy a house two years mortgage

Zhong Road, Haizhu District, South Bay 18 billion purchase of people petition, reflecting the purchase of a developer in 2005 has been real estate mortgages, and some paid a deposit of 20,000 yuan, and some paid back the principal of到五成into three, but because of funding problems, the developer has not been able to apply for cancellation of mortgage procedures, buyers were therefore unable to get real estate card. According to reports, some buyers just signed a subscription book, and some signed a purchase contract but not authentication.国土房管City Council said it would urge the developers and the mortgagee for mortgage cancellation.

City国土房管Board would like to remind the general public, in accordance with “Guarantee Law,” developers have secured the sale of pre-sale housing must be secured when informed buyers to purchase housing mortgages have some risks, Therefore, the buyers learned that housing collateral circumstances, must be carefully considered.

Planning Bureau Yunxi Road Tunnel will be proof

“Cloud Creek Road, the tunnel could be changed? “Planning a main road east of Canton has been questioned residential owners affect the environment. Yesterday, Deputy Secretary for Urban Planning and Li received the right to petition the owners that the owners and will seriously listen to the views of experts, the road to carry out all aspects of the construction of argumentation.

by the understanding, the South China Scenic Park into a sale, the developers also clearly inform the delegate buy Cloud Creek Road, planning routes. However, residential property owners beginning in 2005 continuing petition requesting Yunxi Road underground tunnel. Li explained that the planning department will seriously listen to the views of owners and experts, building departments will also conduct all aspects of argumentation.

Yesterday,荔港南湾6 on behalf of the owners, hand written, “sympathetic to their needs, help people,” the six characters of the banners came to the reception hall of the Planning Bureau. It is understood that荔港南湾5 6 996 owners, stay for many years, due to illegal building developers, without a planning department and get the property card acceptance. Later, they will be the issue to the City Planning Bureau to reflect. City Planning Board for acceptance and the parties to recover fees and penalties works parties separated two things quickly to help owners handle “construction project planning acceptance certificate.”

EPA three without food to outlaw

“fumes really can not stand熏得, stinking sewage out the window to death, we have the kitchen windows are sealed a! “Yesterday morning, in the EPA liberating activity, disk-fu, who lives in the market next to Mr. Lin to neighbors complaints the residents to sell the building so fast, seriously affect the surrounding residents.

Mr. Lin-fu live in disk market next to the Medical State Street, he said, 3 years, residents have been building a fast-food produced at home for sale, “We live in the first floor, the kitchen window just in front of their the exhaust fan,熏得people can not breathe. “In addition, the illegal immigrant fast-food restaurants will be operated by its own sewage and the residents connected to floor drains feces, resulting in congestion. Mr. Lin said: “The septic tanks often blocked臭气熏天. “

In this regard, the City is responsible for liberating Li Xin, deputy director of the Environmental Protection Agency said that environmental protection departments are carried out before the Lunar New Year special action to combat soot pollution, such unlicensed unlicensed small shops will be banned .

City Construction developers want to reverse the verdict?

Guangzhou City Construction Committee, director of writer Jane UMPAP Control Center yesterday in liberating the masses, the move-back property right has been filed several times. Jane writer said that the move-back the interests of families, the Urban Construction Committee will seriously study and solve. Jinman Company reflected Jinman home, Kim Man-Pro Electric Water Court issues exist, the Urban Construction Committee requested City Council to stop processing the国土房管sales. Jinman Company explained that Jinman Court, Jinman Housing financing their homes in rural areas, there is no electrical problem Water Pro. In this regard, the relevant responsible person of the reply, the Urban Construction departments will jointly conduct a study of the case law dealing with the views put forward.

Chinese version:市国土房管局局长接待日 市民通宵排队等接访





















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