如何做好猪蹄温和的味道? « City life wiki 城市百科




鸡蛋煮熟剥皮8结束,今后将汤,煮10分钟,浸泡过夜,早上有卤水蛋吃啦。此汤可以添加_ xxx_1_br>酱汁和香料,循环,良好的卤水汁啊。




材料:猪蹄2黑豆(切成8小块),黑豆3 2,姜,2,3。


How to do a mild taste of pig’s trotters?

I had a serious illness in 2012, gastrointestinal digestive function is poor, can be very greedy pig’s trotters, Hunan people to do more than braised pig’s trotters, greasy, and playing a lot of cinnamon, aniseed, pepper and other spices heat, I have eaten soy stewed pig’s trotters in Shanghai, soup, liquor color milky white, light, tasty, I do not know how to do it?

1 onion stewed pig’s trotters
raw materials: onion 50 grams, trotters 4, salt amount.
Production: The trotters pulling wool pile, wash them with a knife drawn mouth; the onions cut into sections, together with the trotters into
pot, add water and salt a little amount, first Wuhuoshaofei, the latter with text Huodun boil until Shulan Serve.
Efficacy: blood swelling. Apply to blood deficiency, limb pain, edema, sore throat embolism.
2. trotters melon mushroom soup
medicine: Jujube 30 grams, Astragalus, Chinese wolfberry son of 12 grams, 5 grams
Angelica Material: Pig forepaw 1, sponge gourd 300 grams, 250 grams of tofu, shiitake mushrooms, 30 grams , ginger 5, salt and a little
(1). Wash mushrooms soaked remove stalks, sponge gourd peeled clean cuts, tofu cuts back.
(2). Pig forepaw to wash hair chop block, into the boiling water, cook in 10 minutes, picked up water rinse, Astragalus, Angelica back into the filter bag.
(3). pot into medicine, pig’s trotters, mushrooms, ginger and water 10 cups, in order to boil the fire, after Shulan Gaixiao Simmer until the meat (about 1 hour), re-entry sponge gourd, bean curd added in 5 minutes, adding salt and seasoning can be the last.
Effects: nourishing, roadways and milk under the applicable post-partum physical weakness, lack of those floating juice.

3, big paw cucumber
Ingredients: water, sea cucumber 750 grams fat, trotters 2.
Seasoning: vegetable oil 800 grams (actual consumption of about 50 grams, 100 grams of cooked Spodiopogon, Ginger, 15 grams of soy sauce, cooking wine 25 grams, onion ginger oil, salt each 20 grams, sugar 50 grams, monosodium glutamate 5 grams, scallion 25 grams, sugar, color a little, wet corn starch, chicken 1.5 kg.
(1) scraping clean trotters, in the outside draw knife, with water fully cooked, remove and control to the moisture into the burning of 7 Chao Shao into hot vegetable oil in deep fry golden brown, remove and Lek oil. sea cucumbers washed straight after the knife I used two and a half unused.
(2) Chao Shao Heat fan will Spodiopogon fried onions, ginger shoot loose, and cooking into the cooking wine and soy sauce by adding MSG, chicken broth and salt, sugar, color.
put potential into the Chao Shao, the came alive again on the pig’s trotters, pig’s trotters boil 1 hour to flip over, and then low heat to simmer rotten pig’s trotters, put into the disk. the onions, ginger are taken out, remove the pad, the sea cucumber into the spoon in 3 minutes, with the wet starch, starch, Lin Ru onion ginger oil Serve.
characteristics: color, Hongliang, bad hoof quality incense, sea cucumber foam delicious.

4, brine trotters trotters
invited to open a butcher chopping, boiling water, one copy to go home, wash Xue Mo, a pot of cold water, the next block into the pig’s trotters, add soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, old pumping, sugar, ginger, onion, aniseed, clove, cinnamon, mountain naphthalene, Angelica, Amomum villosum, cardamom (spice for each increase of only a small grain), the fire boil, Wei Huo simmer until soft rotten, soaked overnight, remove and cool food, incense! rotten! Waxy! do not have to say!
cook 8 eggs, peeling over the next into the soup, cook 10 minutes, soak overnight in the morning there is brine eggs nor eat. This soup can be added _ xxx_1_br> sauces and spices, recycling, good brine juice ah.

5. Red Pa trotters
raw materials:
fat trotters 4, select the net hair root, open Shui Tang to the bloody boiling, remove and put W in the water after the by adding halogen material, rice wine, sugar fire boil, turn a small fire stew cooked crumbled, and out to dismantle as much as possible to maintain the integrity of trotters, after the demolition of a good backup.
will trotters Mayun soy sauce, dry the pan under the fried leather, sugar, color can be fixed, and the other from the pan after the onion ginger until fragrant, input trotters, plus two tablespoons of good wine, rock sugar, or sugar, two spoonfuls of broth you have not seen raw materials, salt, soy sauce, MSG, burning Open closed juice, be careful to prop up yards trotters broader market, the juice poured on top I can be.
savory and sweet mouth, sticky glutinous fragrance, beauty Yan, eutrophication.

6. trotters vinegar
Zhushou 1, Laocu a small branch, ginger or a piece of dried hot pepper, soy sauce, garlic 1 Whole, sugar (rock candy better)
(1). Zhushou to the hair, cut block, next to the bloody water boiled, wash.
(2 ). bian shoot cut ginger into chunks, and Zhushou block with the next Guo Chao (free oil), add garlic, when starting Fanyou (Whole), 3-4 chili dry, a little soy sauce, vinegar, boil and semi-supported .
(3). add water or all the materials, boil pig’s trotters erosion, add sugar to taste, not sour vinegar.
, rock sugar trotters peanut
(1). the trotters Zhuo water washed with cold water Peanut guns soft, spare.
(2). wok by putting up a star anise, cinnamon, fragrance oil blow out first, and then the next ginger, Cong Bao Xiang, into the pig’s trotters stir fry, cooked into the cooking wine to see if water vapor will do, Add soy sauce, fried red, and then into cold water, you have not seen trotters can, cover, fire boil.
(3). the water-start, off Cap add crystal sugar amount can be a little more, according to their own taste decided that (for braised dishes, I prefer the sweet side of some) and then into the salt, would be a good foam peanuts placed, covered with the lid switch to gentle heat simmered about an hour, pay attention to half-way better to have fewer Kaiguo, so in order to to avoid the paste pot, the beginning of the cold water may be appropriate to put some more.
(4). Finally, observe the preparations for Kaiguo pan, gently poke about trotters with chopsticks, if relatively smoothly on the inside, and on the note had been skin Lanrou cooked, followed by opening fire at close soup, until the soup is thick Hongliang, you can pan the.

7. trotters soybean soup
raw materials: pig’s knuckles 500 grams, 50 grams of soy
spices: ginger, chopped green onion salt
(1). the boiled pig’s feet in boiling water wash. soybean soak in water for a while.
(2). in a pressure cooker placed in soybeans, pig’s knuckles, ginger Tongzhu 20 minutes.
( 3). Add chopped green onion, seasoning edible.

8. trotters pot black beans
Material: trotters 2 (cut into 8 small pieces), black beans 3 2, ginger, 2, 3.
steps: first trotters water boil, bring water to the swap. then a good wash black beans, ginger into a pot with the pig’s trotters with a slow fire to burn for three hours, and then adding an appropriate amount of salt can be.
nutritional value: black beans are rich in trace elements, blood and beauty, and suppress the role of white hair.

9, peanuts, peanuts 200 grams of stew Izume
, pigs claws 2, salt, onion, ginger, rice wine the right amount.
pig claws and hair remove, wash them with a knife drawn mouth, into the pot, add peanuts, salt, onion, ginger, rice wine,
right amount of water used Wuhuoshaofei, the switch to slow fire Aozhishulan with the amount of food.
Effects: treatment of blood weak

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