Sui创辉events or second-hand housing loan repayment can not be ...

a few days ago, journalists from the Zhuhai City Association of Realtors organized “创辉incident response” emergency consultative meeting was informed that, as the day before yesterday afternoon, to come to Zhuhai City Association of Realtors survey registered a total of 61 people, amounted to 6,826,400 yuan, of which the largest amount of damage to 128 million customers and the amount is expected to quilt more than the number currently registered. Participating merchants and provincial brokers Association Institute Zhang said that in order to regulate the real estate intermediary acts, regulations promulgated Realtors even more necessary.

创辉can not be optimistic about the possibility of repayment

yesterday convened an emergency consultative meeting, the reporter did not see创辉, representatives from participating nearly 40 housing intermediary on behalf of dignified face. Association of Guangdong Province, Mr Cheung Institute gave a presentation, because the association has a representative office in Zhuhai, Zhuhai and Hong Kong also has its own trade association of Realtors, so in Zhuhai by创辉affected owners can figure out gradually Statistics . According to current statistics show that as of yesterday afternoon to Zhuhai Industry Association of Realtors survey of registered owners of a total of 61 involving an amount of 6,826,400 yuan.

Zhang Institute frankly, the association is a non-governmental organizations, there is no law enforcement power, but the quilt owners can come to register for the relevant departments to investigate the use of. Zhang Society, said the “创辉incident” qualitative, because the need for judicial investigation and evidence collection, and now can not determine the means of fraud, is also possible that the market behavior. On创辉the reasons for the rapid “collapse” phenomenon, Zhang Society believes that this is related to its ongoing expansion. But whether创辉as its response from 21 batches from the date of its outstanding debt to customers, employees money, Zhang Institute of respect its “have a pessimistic attitude.”

创辉events or the second-hand housing decline

At the meeting, for “创辉incident” on the impact of the industry as a whole, the participating generally expressed concern about business. Zhang Institute told reporters: “As such a large housing intermediary,创辉the accident, and the trading volume is bound to reduce second-hand house prices will inevitably decline. “There are intermediary also said that from the accident创辉until now, has received a lot of customer calls or door-to-door like a refund or repayment ahead of schedule. A result, many intermediary companies are now afraid to take customer calls.

创辉accident, will, like transit, as the intermediary makes a lot of small and medium-sized companies can not afford to support, have been bankrupt? Zhang said that the Society is that they held the main purpose of this meeting. “morale,创辉events can not shake our conviction. “Zhang Institute said in 1993 in Guangdong Province in the country the first introduction of the” Regulations on the Management of Guangdong Province broker “, was amended in 1997 since no changes have been made. Now, the trade association will make greater efforts to promote the amendment of the Ordinance, and make greater efforts to promote “the Guangdong Province of Realtors Management Measures” introduction.

Zhang Institute, said the lifting of housing intermediaries and employees of the labor contract, to switch to broker an agreement to cooperate may lead housing agency to pay a heavy price, touch ball in play. Therefore, the intermediary company can take to dispatch labor and employment practice to resolve the economic risks and legal risks. “In order to restore the confidence of customers of intermediaries, can create an industry Statute. “Zhang Institute concluded that the intermediary company in the above contract and through the media, so the commitment to customers.

Shenzhen创辉part of foreclosure has been resolved the issue of floor section

创辉Group January 21 news conference will be held in public repayment plan

by the multi-confirmed recently by the massive “downsizing” withdrawal Shop, capital chain tension and all arrears of payments caused by a high degree of concern to the outside world创辉rental part of the solution has a low profile customers Floor paragraph foreclosure problem, the company said non-publicity does not want to cause unnecessary trouble, January 21 will hold a press conference announced the repayment plan.

rented or sold, according to Group President创辉Office Mr. Zhang Min said, “before we promised to the community, there will be a planned manner, batches to return customers money, this is the solution to a part of customer’s problem, but am also worried that there has not been resolved customers come in droves. “

” I can honestly say that we focus on a one-time payment to all of the money is indeed difficult, so do not be resolved I hope customers will be able to maintain a rational, waiting for us on the 21st repayment plan publicity. “Miss said.

创辉Group Marketing Associate Director, Southern China Mr. Jiang Dexin, told reporters, “At present we have various subsidiaries in their respective efforts to resolve the various aspects of debt problems, January 21 we will hold a press conference, publicity throughout the repayment plan. “

Chinese version:创辉事件或令穗二手房跌价 能否还款不容乐观
















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