帕客:以“少用纸巾,重拾手帕”来选择地球_中国帕客群:帕客运动,低碳 ...


On March 28 you can VOTE EARTH by switching off your lights for one hour.在3月28日您可以xx地球关掉你的灯一小时。
Or you can vote global warming by leaving your lights on.或者,您可以xx全球气候变暖的离开你的灯。

The results of the election are being presented at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009.选举的结果是提出了在全球气候变化会议在哥本哈根2009年。 We want one billion votes for Earth, to tell world leaders that we have to take action against global warming.我们希望一十万点零零万票地球,向世界各国领导人,我们必须采取行动对付全球变暖。

今年地球一小时变成了世界上{dy}个全球性的选举 ,与地球和全球变暖。 For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote – Switching off your lights is a vote for Earth, or leaving them on is a vote for global warming.{dy}次在历史上,各种年龄的人,民族,种族和背景有机会利用其光开关作为其xx-关掉你的灯是一个xx的地球,或者使他们的xx是对全球变暖。 WWF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH and reach the target of 1 billion votes, which will be presented to world leaders at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009.世界自然基金会敦促世界各国xx地球和达到目标的10亿票,将提交给世界各国领导人在全球气候变化会议在哥本哈根2009年。 This meeting will determine official government policies to take action against global warming, which will replace the Kyoto Protocol.本次会议将决定政府的官方政策,以采取行动对付全球气候变暖,这将取代京都议定书。 It is the chance for the people of the world to make their voice heard.这是有机会为世界人民,使他们的声音。

Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. 地球一小时开始于2007年在悉尼 ,当二百二十点零万家庭和企业的灯关掉一小时。 In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights.在2008年的信息已经成长为一个全球可持续性运动, 50万人的灯关掉。 Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square all stood in darkness.全球的地标,如金门大桥在旧金山,罗马的斗兽场,悉尼歌剧院和可口可乐的广告牌在纽约时代广场都站在黑暗。

In 2009, Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of 1 billion people switching off their lights as part of a global vote. 在2009年地球的时间已被带到一个新的水平 ,其目标是10亿人的灯关掉,作为一个全球性表决。 Unlike any election in history, it is not about what country you’re from, but instead, what planet you’re from.与历史上任何选举,也不是哪一个国家你是从,而是什么你从地球。 VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community.xx地球是一个全球行动呼吁每一个人,每一个企业,每一个社区。 A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet.呼吁站起来,并采取控制了我们地球的未来。 Over 74 countries and territories have pledged their support to VOTE EARTH during Earth Hour 2009, and this number is growing everyday.超过74个国家和地区已承诺支持xx地球地球一小时, 2009年,这个数字正在增加日常生活。

We all have a vote, and every single vote counts.我们都有xx,每一个单一票。 Together we can take control of the future of our planet, for future generations.只要齐心协力,我们可以控制我们地球的未来,为子孙后代。


And you can help.你可以提供帮助。


And you can help.你可以提供帮助。


为什么 ?因为字是强大的东西。 Because we want to show the world just how important this issue is to so many of us.因为我们希望向世界展示多么重要这个问题是我们如此多的国家。 Because this is something that we need to keep talking about.因为这是我们需要不断谈论。


This is a huge task, and we need your help.这是一项巨大的任务,我们需要你们的帮助。 But taking part is simple.但考虑部分很简单。 By blogging, emailing, twittering and writing on this site, you'll be contributing to the One Billion Words.通过博客,电子邮件, twittering和写作关于这个站点,您将贡献10亿字。 But more importantly, you'll keep the world talking about Global Warming.但更重要的,您让世界谈论全球变暖。

Here's how you can do it:以下是如何能做到这一点:

  1. Join on this site and add your words of support.加入关于这个站点并添加您的支持。
  2. Write a message on Twitter, including the hashtag " #voteearth ".写Twitter的讯息,包括hashtag “ # voteearth ” 。
  3. Send an email to a friend.发送电子邮件给朋友。 Invite them to contribute their thoughts as well.邀请他们贡献自己的想法以及。
  4. Write a blog post, and tag it with " vote earth ".写博客帖子,并标记为“ 表决地球 。 ”

Each of these actions will help us get closer to One Billion Words.所有这些行动将有助于我们更接近10亿字。 So start writing today, and help us take One Billion Words to Copenhagen.因此,今天开始写作,并帮助我们10亿词哥本哈根。


郑重声明:资讯 【帕客:以“少用纸巾,重拾手帕”来选择地球_中国帕客群:帕客运动,低碳 ...】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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