沪江博客- huayan - 餐具


On school gethering for closing the whole year's work, I’m lucky enough to get a set of dinnerware, i.e. canju in Chinese, a homophone for tragedy or calamity. Well, in my daily life, I don’t often come across the so-called misfortunes, nor do I as often win a bonus or a lottery as the dinnerware I’ve just got.

Such is life where eventlessness dominates the whole while occasionaly punctuated by extremes showcased as fortunes or misfortunes. Here comes the concept of probability that occurrences of special meanings or importance are measured by the ratio of part and whole. In the era when we are almost simultaneously exposed to  information and news flooding from all over the world, easily and frequently, we feel we’re overwhelmed or drown by mounting disasters and catastrophes, and we’re fearfully carried away by the chaotic currents to the unknown chasms or abysses of mortality. Actually, we’re not, especially when we’re in prime years and sound health.

The true condition of most of us is that we are the audience viewing a drama staging everyday in a real world; only randomly, one or two of us are involved actively or passively in the performances. So, don’t worry too much about the delusioned tragedies though they seem to loom in and out around us. We’re not so lucky to be hit by probability.

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