餐桌下的礼仪(Family Hold Back) | 好戏网MASK9

餐桌下的礼仪(Family Hold Back)          

活动时间:下午场: 2010年1月9日,下午16:00 / 夜晚场: 2010年1月9日,晚19:00




餐桌下的礼仪(Family Hold Back)

后还将由英国女性主义表演组合“Curious” (好奇组合,由Helen Paris及Leslie Hill组成)带来创作介绍及演后谈“对生活的好奇”。

Curious(“好奇组合”)成立于1996年,由Leslie Hill及Helen Paris共同组成。从一开始,她们就形成了自己的一套敏锐、幽默的风格特色,剧评家称她们作品“机智而挑逗”。她们以“好奇”自称,是因为她们成为艺术家的原动力就来自对生活以及这个世界的强烈好奇心。

Curious的两位艺术家同时也长期担任年轻艺术家的培养教育工作。Leslie Hill是东伦敦大学SMARTlab数字媒体研究所以实践为基础的博士生课程导师。这个研究所为优秀的博士研究生进行表演艺术、视觉艺术和技术的研究提供支持。Helen Paris在Brunel大学担任当代表演专业硕士生导师。这个专业理念创新,通过对当代多媒体表演进行批判性探索,来培养学生的创造力;并提供导演、个人表演、剧本写作等专业指导。

近期Curious的出版物有《伦敦之粹》DVD、《失与得》DVD、以及(Be)longing(DVD) ,以及著作《艺术家生存之道》、《表演与处所》等。




创作表演:Helen Paris (Curious)
导演:Leslie Hill (Curious)
制作统筹:黄佳代, 张渊, 蒋洪
英方制作:Cheryl Pierce(Artsadmin)
灯光设计:Margie Medlin
舞台总监: Steve Wald

预约电话:+86 021 61313498, 61313499

Family Hold Back          
Date: 16:00 & 19:00, 9 January, 2010
Venue: Ke Center for the Comtemporary Arts, Shanghai (613 Kaixuan Rd. near Yan’an Xi Rd.)
Free Performance in English with Chinese subtitles. Phone/Email Registration in advance is essential.


“A visual metaphor exposing levels, tiers, hierarchies and centres of control. Paris is spot on.”
- Total Theatre magazine, December 2004

Family Hold Back
Family Hold Back is a highly visual, darkly comic and very well mannered performance airing the perversities of politeness of the English dinner table where no one mentions politics and everyone knows that Trotterscliffe is pronounced Trosley. It is about being shut up, talked over and con… const… constantly interrupted. Over the three courses of the evening, a leakage of repressed bad manners begins to soak the corners of the pristine white tourniquet napkins as Paris struggles to confront what really lies underneath the perfectly laid table.

Beneath the damask, codes of Englishness are exposed as weapons of mass destruction, as is the ubiquitous silver service canteen. Paris stains, soils and sullies the preserves and codes of the white middle-class, breaking down cultural barriers and mechanisms of polite imprisonment from the inside.

The artists:

Curious was formed in 1996 by Leslie Hill and Helen Paris. Since then, the company has developed a reputation for its edgy, humorous interrogations of contemporary culture, work that has been called as smart as it is seductive. Curious have produced nearly 40 projects in a range of media including live performance, installation, publication and film. Each project starts with a question and the subsequent investigation involves intimate, personal journeys alongside public research and enquiry. They call their company "curious" because they believe what drives them as artists is an intense curiosity about the world in which they live.
Curious are:Helen Paris directs the Contemporary Performance Making MA at Brunel University. This innovative MA provides students with the space to nurture their creativity through the practical and critical exploration of contemporary multimedia performance. The course offers specialisation in directing, solo-performance and performance writing. Leslie Hill co-directs the practice based PhD programme at the SMARTlab, University of East London. The SMARTlab Digital Media Institute supports a highly selective group of PhD researchers working in the performing arts, visual arts and technology.

Their recent publications are Essences of London (DVD), Lost & Found (DVD), (Be)longing (DVD), and The Guerilla Guide To Performance Art : How To Make A Living As An Artist (BOOK) and Performance & Place (BOOK)

Curious first visited Shanghai in 2005 as residency artist and performed their famous piece ‘on the Scent’ in a local apartment, supported by British Council/Arts Council England. Some of their Shanghai experience is in their other project ‘Lost & Found’.


Presented by British Council Shanghai
Created and performed by Helen Paris (Curious)
Directed by Leslie Hill (Curious)
Producer: Cheryl Pierce, Artsadmin
Lighting Designer: Margie Medlin
Production Manager: Steve Wald
Performance will be followed by an artist talk by Curious, the performance artists.
More information please contact British Council Shanghai

Tel:+86 021 61313498, 61313499

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