                                                              金蝶国际软件集团董事局主席  徐少春
     2009 is definitely not an ordinary year. We experienced the financial crisis once in a hundred years, experienced the repeated questioning deep inside our heart and paid much more hardship and sweat than ever… but we harvested the most cherished life’s growth experience and the philosophical way of thinking, harvested the wisdom、the experience and the firm belief to conquer difficulty, harvested the friendship with colleagues and trust among employee brothers and sisters, and harvested the hope toward victory. 
     Hereby, I would like to thank all employee brothers and sisters. Thank you for working together, getting through the hard times and sticking to your post. Thank you for your effort and contribution to the thriving of Kingdee’s business and for promoting and advocating “Let the Chinese Management Model rise globally!”. 
      Winter will soon be over, spring is fast approaching, economy is getting better, and the new economic cycle has begun. From this year to 2013, it will be a new four year term for Kingdee to grow; we will embark on a new journey. We will establish the Chinese Enterprise Management Think Tank (CEMT) to change the outdated management model of the Chinese enterprises, to change the status quo of Chinese enterprise management software and e-commerce services market. Kingdee will become the top brand of Chinese software and services industry, and the annual revenue will exceed 5 billion. In the next 10 years, we are going to build the world class management think tank, to lead the development of enterprise management models of China and Asia, to change the market of worldwide enterprise management software and e-commerce services, to become the number 1 brand of Asia and a worldwide software leading brand, and the annual revenue to exceed 10 billion. This is the dream of Kingdee and it is the goal we fight for. Looking back to Kingdee’s history, we discovered every growth and every leap forward was a wonderful experience of dreams coming true.
     New journey, new challenge, new opportunity, and new glory! We must have the strategic ambition,deep intent,and entrepreneur spirit. We are not only becoming management experts, but also we will work like a fierce dragon in a new territory. In summary, we are knowledgeable and our style is doughty. As long as we work as a team,,the victory will belong to us. The company is going to have bold reforms on the human capital strategy, will innovate talent cultivation and incentive policy, and will do our best to create a career stage for all employee brothers and sisters to freely display their talent. 
                                                                      Robert Xu
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