傲文世界» 现场直播:苹果的专场平板电脑发布会







发布会乔布斯的演讲将在旧金山的Yerba Buena中心举行,美国时间上午10点,锁定本帖,或者通过twitter的@bxchen和@gadgetlab获取{zx1}的实时报道。

Live Coverage: Apple’s Special Tablet Event

By Brian X. Chen January 26, 2010 | 6:43 pm

Apple’s Wednesday press conference, where we’ll likely see an Apple tablet, is shaping up to be the Cupertino, California, company’s most-anticipated event ever.

The Jan. 27 event, titled “Come see our latest creation,” will likely be marked down in history as the sequel to Steve Jobs’ legendary keynote at Macworld Expo 2007, where the CEO introduced the iPhone. The iPhone, then touted by the CEO as “three revolutionary products,” has grown to encompass more than 100,000 apps, giving birth to a new digital frontier and, in many ways, reshaping the cellphone industry.

Now Apple must meet, and perhaps exceed, the wow factor of the mobile marvel with its bigger sibling — a touchscreen tablet that the company has been developing for several years.

Rumor has it that Jobs has even said the tablet “will be the most important thing I’ve ever done.”

He has his work cut out for him. For decades, sci-fi movies have dreamed of a slate-like computing device replacing traditional PCs. Many companies have tried, and failed, to live up to these visions. Thanks to clunky user interfaces, durability issues and limited utility, the tablet has been filed away as a niche device again and again. But Apple, the leader in industry and interface design and master of innovating content distribution, could be the company to finally nail the design.

Could it save the publishing industry, reboot education and maybe even change the way we treat medicine? After years of speculation, we’ll finally get some answers.

Yours truly will live-blog Wednesday’s event right here, so bookmark this page. Wired magazine editor Mark McClusky and GameLife editor Chris Kohler will contribute commentary on the event, with photography by Jon Snyder.

The keynote, which takes place at San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center, kicks off 10 a.m. PDT. Stay tuned and look for updates to this post, or follow @bxchen and @gadgetlab for real-time news nuggets via Twitter.

Need to catch up on tablet news? Visit our full page including our major tablet stories from 2009.



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