






然后以下是这次有关于巴以冲突,代表国是越南的position paper


Delegate: Liu Zedan

School: PGA, the Second High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, China

Country: Vietnam

Committee: DISEC

Topic: Palestinian/Israeli Conflict

Palestine is located in the West Asia, by the shore of . It was named Cana in ancientry, including present-day Israel, Gaza and Jordan. It was captured by Assyrian, Babylonian, Roman and other peoples for many times. In the end of 19th century, Zionism broke out throughout the world, many Jew came to Palestine. During the First World War, Palestine became Britannic mandated territory; it was divided into two parts, Jordan and Palestine. Many Jew started immigrating into Palestine; there were many sanguinary conflicts between them and the local Arab.i In November, 1947, the United Nations passed the No. 181 Resolution. The resolution stipulated that Independent Jewish State and Independent Arab State would be founded in the Palestine. After Israel was founded in 14th the May, 1948, there broke out five major wars between Arab and Israel. To renew their rights of nation, Palestinian started armed struggles and they built the PLO. Palestinian and Israeli kept attacking each other and being retaliate until now. The conflict has seriously influenced the commerce and tourism in that region.ii

At 22nd November, 1967, the United Nations passed the No. 242 Resolution, the resolution stipulated that the Israeli military had to withdraw from the region they occupied during the war, stop all of the militancy, accept and deference each country’s state sovereignties, territorial integrities and political independences. After the Fourth Middle East War breaking out, the United Nations passed the No. 338 Resolution, the resolution stipulated that all the parties had to stop their militancy and enforce the No. 242 Resolution immediately. Because the No. 242 Resolution didn’t renew the Palestinian’s legal rights, Palestinian didn’t accept these two resolutions until October, 1991. In October, 1991, the Middle East Peace Conference was held in Madrid. The PLO’s Commission President, Yasser Arafat, and Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, sent letters to each other, Palestine accepted Israel, and Israel accepted the PLO.iii And Vietnam has appealed that all the parties should keep calming and stop using forces for many times.

According to the past experiences, Vietnam thinks this conflict is hard to solve. To solve this problem, the peace conferences are necessary. Vietnam thinks the conflict can only be solved in a peaceful way and the conflict must be upgraded if the international community and the United Nations don’t do effective actions. Vietnam will keep appealing the parties stop using forces and observe the United Nations’ Resolutions. And Vietnam hopes the other countries can appeal the parties stop militancy. As far as the peace conference, Vietnam thinks the following conferences should extract experiences from the successful conferences in the past, such as the Madrid Peace Conference.

















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