[出售]帮朋友转让双人床和床垫@ 二手市场

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do you know anyone (or maybe you can ask a bit around) if
anyone could use a good wooden ("Vollholz") bed and a very, very good almost
unused mattress (160 x 200 cm) which is a "7-zone-mattress"??

If anybody is interested in both items we would sell the mattress (we bought
it for 1000 Euro and of course we would make a good price) and give the bed
for free.

The attached picture is our bed. The bed comes with a mattress (160 x 200
cm) and it is a very good 7-zone mattress. The bed is made of wood
(Vollholz) and it comes with an extra drawer underneath for bedlinen or
something like that and an extra cover (made of a nice and bright fabric)
for the day (but this is not shown in the picture).
The price would be around 550 Euro for everything.

The mattress is more or less unused, because we just used it for around 2

请有意者或者有任何问题者,站内短信联系,谢谢 Regular

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