
According tothe nature of the force,the springcan be divided into thetension spring,compression spring,torsion springand the bending spring,according to the shapecan be divided into thedish shaped spring,an annular spring,plate spring,conicalhelical spring,scroll springand torsion bar springs,etc.,according to the productionprocess can bedividedintocoldandhotspringcoil springrolls.Ordinarycylindrical coil springwith simple manufacture,and canaccording to theload situationmade of varioustypes,structure is simple,the most widelythe application.Electricalhardware accessories,cabinethardware accessories,sports equipment,hardwareparts processing,manufacturingmaterials generallyspringithas high elastic limit,fatigue limit,impact toughness and goodperformance of heat treatmentetc.,are commonly usedcarbon springsteel,alloy Die casting,Bearing, springsteel,stainless steel springsteeland copper alloy,nickelalloyand rubberetc..Method for producing springhas the coldroll and hot roll method.Spring wire diameterless than 8mm cold roll the general law,greater than 8mm with hot roll method.Some springalsoforcedorshot peeningafter being produced,can improve the bearing capacityof the spring.

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