| Tom Heiser - Cards Fan | The Courier-Journal
By last night, 78-56, the Cards have restored, in their own minds anyway, that winning swagger -- the pomp and pump that comes with that lofty No. 3 preseason ranking. A reader posted to my blog yesterday, bemoaning the glut of arid walkovers that pass for competition:

Billy Mindardi "Classic". Marques Maybin "Classic". How many of these "Classics" is UofL going to have? More importantly, is anyone going to sue for false advertising for calling them "Classics"? How about some real teams please??

Real teams you shall have, my dear reader. Beginning with OVC heavy Austin Peay on Saturday, the Cards embark on a non-conference clearing run against Mississippi, Minnesota, UAB, UNLV and Kentucky. I wrote at length in that blog about the as U of L turns the corner and prepares for this grueling stretch before the ultragrueling rigors of the Big East. Last night's game didn't add much to it, but there were some aspects to discuss:

  • Terrence Williams continues to exert himself on the boards -- hauling in 13 last night. He had four assists and two turnovers (excellent ratio, T-Will) but shot just 2 of 6 from the field.

  • Earl Clark tossed in a modest six points -- just what Pitino wanted. A six-rebound, five-assist game by Clark is proof of how he can make a contribution without big numbers in the points column.

  • Andre McGee canned three of seven from behind the arc -- looked much more confident.
  • Edgar Sosa's capriciousness was on full display last night: four turnovers and two assists in sixteen minutes. Too busy worrying about his shot.

  • A placid 15 points, six rebounds for Samardo Samuels. Solid game.

  • Jerry Smith added twelve points. His shooting seems to be coming around, although he missed a few shockingly wide-open jumpers.

  • Good bench play from Will Scott and Preston Knowles.

  • Terrence Jennings and Jared Swopshire were very productive in limited, mostly mop-up minutes. (Jenning's slam off the Sosa dish was a eyebrow-lifter.)
(You can also read at Card Chronicle.)

We still don't know if the team will respond when, as UK Billy Gillispie said of his team, they're "confronted by adversity." Still a lot of questions to be answered.



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